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Hey every1, I just went to Academy and bought 3 different spoons, I've never fished with a spoon before, and was wondering, do you just throw it out and reel it in or let it fall or what?[Image: dumb.gif]

Thanks, Bassmasta
Most spoons are for cranking. Throw it out and crank in. Very your speed to see what they like. Some spoons can be jigged like the silverbuddy.
I never had much luck with spoons. If they work for you, that's great. If they don't, move on to something else.
many people fish with spoons either jigging or trolling in the deeper lakes up north, I haven't had much luck here in CT with them.
i've used a small curved silver spoon bout a inch an a half in size an caught a 6lb, a couple 4-5 lbs an a mess loads of smaller ones in cali only throw in sunny areas for best results as light reflects off them