Finally coming over to the darkside and sayin "goodbye" to shore fishing. Went to the grown feller chuck'e'cheese today ( cabelas ) and bought a new fish cat 4, along with all the other necessary goodies that i needed. My wife was appalled that i spent as much as i did. but when i convinced her that its much cheaper than a boat, she was very reluctant yet happy to agree [cool]. Lookin forward to being one of those people on the lake catchin fish that i used to watch from the shore. Now i just need to figure out where to start my journey of real fishing.
Welcome aboard to the world of real fishing. Sorry that you have to give up being a "Bank Tangler" but under the circumstances, you may have made a smart move.
I have had my FC4 for 4 years now and not a problem with it.
If you need any help with anything, just feel free to ask here. We will be more than happy to paddle you into the right direction.[cool]
But you can finance a boat...LOL[

Very true.. im just stoked to get on the water and do some catchin. the best part about having a tube is that i can fit the tube into my car and go fishing any weekend or day off that i might have and still have fun doing so .without having the cost of a boat payment or a truck/suv payment, just enough "payment" to feed my now relapsing addiction that i have soo longed for these past few years... <drools>.......
I hope you weren't offended by the green writing in my signature line. hee hee.[cool]
nope, not at all. It actually makes alot of sense. i caught quite a few fish from shore in my years, but i can tell ya that there are alot of "special" people that are fishing from shore. i had a dad yell at his son at the berry because he didnt spit on his powerbait before casting it.... might as well have put his left foot in, put his left foot out, put his left foot in, and shoved his dad into the water [sly]
Just funning with ya bro.
I spent my time and paid my dues while fishing from shore. I also caught a lot of fish.
You are at a totally different level when you are able to drop straight down instead of throwing your shoulder out trying to get to that imaginary sweet spot.
Once you get yourself a good set of eyes "Sonar" and some nice kickers "Fins", it will be "Fish On" at a whole different level of fishing.
I'm always glad to hear when someone officially graduates from the banks to the ranks of Tubing.
I have been doing it for a little over 30 years and my father has over 50 years dunking the donut.
There will be times when you may go back to fishing the banks once in awhile but eventually you will kick the habit or at least till a nice wind kicks up and reminds you that the bank can still be your friend at times.[cool]
[cool][#0000ff]Welcome aboard.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We should probably let the others know that I am partly to blame for your recent depletion of the family bank account. We have been hatching a plot by PM for awhile. Glad you got your "starter kit".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]After you bring everything over to my place for a "tricking out party", we will get you properly introduced to some fishies. You will wonder how you ever thought you were really fishing before.[/#0000ff]
Tis' true. It feels good to have the counsel of a very wise man to heed to.. ( even if it means giving my wife a couple more back/foot massages for the $$ i spent [sly] )
I've always wanted to get a float tube and fish from one, but never really thought about it all that much till just recently. The only thing that really ever kept me from buying one, other than the money, was i liked to just bait the hook. cast out, set my pole under a rock, and just wait it out and relax. But fishing from shore isnt quite as good as it used to be when i was little. So now its time to upgrade to the wonderful world of actually catching fish [

[cool][#0000ff]As you will see, you can still soak bait from a tube while you drift along, doing nothing. But, a lot of the fishing we do is very active...continually casting, jigging and retrieving. There are times and places where both will work.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It is great to have more options and more places to fish.[/#0000ff]
time for a floatilla at rock cliff
One thing I have noticed. People on shore cast as far as they can out to the middle of the lake, and people from tubes/pontoons, seem to cast more towards the shore.
EXCEPT those hot summer months where the only place to fish is in the deeper cooler least for trout.
[cool][#0000ff]Today at Jordanelle, there were no fish caught by bank tanglers. The only fish we got were in at least 25 to 45 feet of impossible cast for shore fishermen. Also, without sonar we would not have caught very much either.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As you suggest, during much of the year the fish are close to shore and that is the best place to fish. But, when they go deeper, you gotta follow 'em.[/#0000ff]
[quote petty4life]time for a floatilla at rock cliff[/quote]
[cool][#0000ff]Been there, done that, poor fishing compared to last year.[/#0000ff]

] yeah, but while im soaking bait from a tube i have alot better chances to catch fish than from shore.
Floatilla at Rock Cliff sounds great. But then again going fishing anywhere sounds great right now!
i might go chase the kokes at causey in a tube, never done that. LOl
yeah, but while im soaking bait from a tube i have alot better chances to catch fish than from shore.