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Full Version: Body of a Bigfoot Found, Press Conference this Friday 8/15/2008
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OK, so on this same board a while ago.. we had a pretty involved discussion about bigfoot. Like I do most of the time, I will research out something that I don't know much about. So, I got the book from the library discussed in the thread, and hit the internet for a several weeks. Surprised by all the creditable evidence that they already have, that has been validated by scientists in their respective fields. Well, all that evidence, including recent DNA is always scoffed at because of some hoaxes that people have done in the past.. Without fail Everyone says "Where's the Body?"

Well, these guys say they got one.. I found out about this ~2 weeks ago.. They were going to do the press release/conference.. Sept 1st.. but bumped it up to this Friday.. Hoax or Not.. You decide for yourself...

Here is the press release from (Their site is understandably bogged right now, as this is the first day that the general public has found out about this. )
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE / August 12, 2008 DNA evidence and photo evidence to be presented at a PRESS CONFERENCE to be held on;
Date: Friday, August 15, 2008
Time: From 12Noon-1:00pm

Place: Cabana Hotel-Palo Alto, 4290 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, California 94306
[#000000](A Crown Plaza Resort)[/#000000] For more information: Robert Barrows, R.M. Barrows, Inc.
Advertising & Public Relations
Burlingame, California
650-344-1951 Searching for Bigfoot, Inc.Menlo Park, California
Tom Biscardi, CEO
BIGFOOT BODY FOUND - EVIDENCE AND DNA DETAILS TO BE PRESENTED AT A PRESS CONFERENCE ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 15th FROM 12 N00N TO 1:00PM AT THE CABANA HOTEL-PALO ALTO IN PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA[orange] A body that may very well be the body of the creature commonly known as "Bigfoot" has been found in the woods in northern Georgia.[/orange] DNA evidence and photo evidence of the creature will be presented in a press conference on Friday, August 15th from 12 Noon to 1:00pm at the Cabana Hotel-Palo Alto at 4290 El Camino Real in Palo Alto, California, 94306. The press conference will not be open to the public. It will only be open to credentialed members of the press. Here are some of the vital statistics on the "Bigfoot" body: [b]*The creature is seven feet seven inches tall.

*It weighs over five hundred pounds.

*The creature looks like it is part human and part ape-like.

*It is male.

*It has reddish hair and blackish-grey eyes.

*It has two arms and two legs, and five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot.

*The feet are flat and similar to human feet.

*Its footprint is sixteen and three-quarters inches long and five and three-quarters inches wide at
the heel.

*From the palm of the hand to the tip of the middle finger, its hands are eleven and three-quarters inches
long and six and one-quarter inches wide.

*The creatures walk upright. (Several of them were sighted on the same day that the body was found.)

*The teeth are more human-like than ape-like.

*DNA tests are currently being done and the current DNA and photo evidence will be presented at the press
conference on Friday, August 15th. [/b]

The creature was found by Matthew Whitton (AKA Gary Parker) and Rick Dyer (residents of Georgia) in the woods in northern Georgia. (The exact location is being kept secret to protect the creatures.)

Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer will be flying in from Georgia to be at the press conference. Also present at the press conference will be Tom Biscardi, CEO of Searching for Bigfoot, Inc.

Whitton is a local, Georgia, police officer, who is currently on administrative leave after being wounded in the course of duty pursuing an alleged felon. Dyer is a former correctional officer. Whitton and Dyer are co-owners of and Bigfoot Global LLC., a company that offers Bigfoot expeditions. Whitton and Dyer are working with Bigfoot hunter, Tom Biscardi, and Biscardi's Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., to present and conduct the scientific study of the evidence and information on this body.

A few weeks ago, Whitton and Dyer announced the finding of the body on the "Squatch Detective" radio show, an internet based radio show hosted by Steve Kulls. While on that show, the commentator asked Rick Dyer "Would you allow one of our people to come down and verify the body?" Dyer replied, "The only person we would allow to come down and verify the body was 'the real Bigfoot Hunter,' Tom Biscardi." The next day, the producer of the Squatch Detective show contacted Biscardi with pertinent information on how to contact Dyer and Whitton.

Extensive scientific studies will be done on the body by a team of scientists including a molecular biologist, an anthropologist, a paleontologist and other scientists over the next few months at an undisclosed location. The studies will be carefully documented and the findings will be released to the world, according to Biscardi.

Biscardi is known as "the real Bigfoot Hunter" because of his extensive investigations out in the field. He has been searching for Bigfoot since 1971 and over the past several years, he has been criss-crossing the United States and Canada tracking down the hottest leads on Bigfoot sightings.
Videography on the studies will be done under the supervision of Scott Davis, an independent producer and owner of TV Biz Productions in Phoenix, Arizona.

Currently, Tom Biscardi and his Searching for Bigfoot Team, in conjunction with Bigfoot Global LLC., are preparing to capture another of these creatures alive. That expedition will start very soon. The dates and the locations are being kept confidential.

The body that is currently being studied is being referred to as the [red]"RICKMAT"[/red] creature, a name derived from the names of Rick Dyer and Matthew Whitton.

Last year, a film that Biscardi produced about his investigations, called "Bigfoot Lives," won first place in the Documentary category at the Pocono Mountains Film Festival. Biscardi also hosts a Bigfoot oriented internet radio show that can be heard on Wednesday nights from 7:00pm to 8:00pm PDT at The show is heard in over thirty countries.

Searching for Bigfoot, Inc. has exclusive rights to all publishing rights, photo rights, television and film rights, production and distribution rights and other commercial opportunities related to the discovery and findings regarding this body and these creatures. Interested parties may contact Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., in writing, at their mailing address;
Searching for Bigfoot Inc.
1134 Crane St., Suite 216
Menlo Park, California 94025.

Additional information about Searching for Bigfoot, Inc. is available at [url ""][/url]. For additional information, and to arrange an interview with Tom Biscardi, Rick Dyer and Matthew Whitton, contact the Searching for Bigfoot headquarters at; 650-566-4001.
Can't wait.
Fox News has picked up the story..
[url ",2933,402882,00.html"],2933,402882,00.html[/url]

They have a video interview with the guy..
It's about time they found one, this press conference should be interesting. I hope they also share the pictures of the live ones they saw too.
Whats next! A space ship that the government doesn't hide first[Wink]. Thanks for sharing.
Obviously, the jury is still out on this matter... I am kind of waiting for the follow-up of "The armed guard got knocked out and the body is gone"

If it is a hoax, I don't understand it.. they will be figured out.. It's like they want their 2 days of fame.. so they can have a lifetime of ridicule. We can only wait....

Some creditable organizations say it's a hoax..
Like all things... "Time will tell"
In Georgia... the state? I thought Sasquatch was supposed to be livin' up in the north-west Pacific Coast area. Never heard of him down south... that's chupacabra!
I think that monster is in south america. Sasquatch has been "sighted" all over the country. I saw him in n. ut many years ago and know of another person who knows where "they" live in the uintas. They just give them different names usually something scary.
I am very excited to see this "proof". If indeed it is what it says it is, it will be bitter sweet to the legend of bigfoot. I can't wait to see it for myself. See if they really have dna evidence.[Wink]
they are real. many differant things walk this plannet most call them myths. bs hoxes.1 was on the news the other night in new mexico. weird looking dog like deal. been a story tail for ever. then a cop on patroll has 1 run out on the road infront of his car equiped with video. no hoax! small minded people are closed to so many things. what i know is Sad about bigfoot. he is our brother. he knows it he also knows he does not fit into our world. he is not stupid but not of higher intel as we are. they all are Sad and many moore will die off to soon be gone. we can not save them. they have chosen differnt. some will say im a nut. i am a nut. lol but this is truth from being in entrainment while in the high uintas. if they scare you dont go into the primative area moore than a few miles past the trail heads. many things up in the uintas. some are very freaky up in the basin. e.t came back.[shocked] not to mention their are grizz and wolves back in them hills. beleive it or not. they are just moore naucturnal.
I saw a wolf in the uintah's.. not many people believe me.. but I saw it from a distance of 10 feet.. there was no question what it was.. it came down off the mountain and came up to my dog in a meadow.. my dog (Pit Bull) tore after it.. not to fight.. (pits are very nice dogs when properly cared for) I found them up in the hill just kind of goofing off together. When I called my dog to me.. that Wolf (it was still a pup, full grown, but obviously a pup) just sat down and looked around like "Now what am I going to do"
I have not been lucky enough to see BF.. maybe someday..

But LH2 is right.. sightings all over the country.. thousands of them.. some are hoax, some are not.. many are very similar.

If this one pans out as true.. like LH2 said, it will be bitter sweet

BF is a primate (DNA has Proven this).. so are we.. obviously it has a good level of intelligence as do we.. I highly doubt it is at our level.. (I don't ever get e-mails from one, or hear of them using computers)
"he knows it he also knows he does not fit into our world. he is not stupid but not of higher intel as we are. they all are Sad and many moore will die off to soon be gone. we can not save them. they have chosen differnt. some will say im a nut. i am a nut."

[#6000bf]Sounds like they all need to be put anti-depressants????[/#6000bf]
ya that might work.[Wink] get r done. lol
OK, so I looked at the picture a little closer.. I am calling HOAX... we'll see tomorrow for sure. It's too bad if it is.. BUT, I guess there is still a chance.. That's my vote..
Chupacabra is mostly in SA, yes...but as far as I know, has migrated up to at least Texas quite a bit.

I'm not a fanatic about this stuff, just things I've "heard", or quick skimmed websites. I'm not about to say it's NOT true, but I also am the sort of person that would rather have tangible evidence, than just blind belief.
[#6000bf]I guess I will go "out on a limb" I believe its 100% completely false, bigfoot doesn't exist, and these guys [/#6000bf][#6000bf]are just trying to make a buck.[/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]I hope I am proven wrong...[/#6000bf]
Should be interesting to see this. I personally think they exist, but I haven't had the chance to sit down and chat with one.
you might want to look into it a little more and see some of the latest developments that they have on the existence of BF.. I would be curious to see what you think after that. here is a link to the film.. then, there is a companion book that expands much more on the documentary.. After this film and book were released, they have since pulled DNA from one...
There is no doubt that there are many hoaxes of this that have occurred. But I also believe there exists valid proof.. I didn't used to, till I did a little reading.

This is a documentary made by Discovery Channel, it's decent, but the book is better. Story behind why it was made is one of the camera men/producers of the film was on a different shoot filming stuff about lake trout in remote lakes in Canada when he found some tracks that he followed for about a mile there at the lake.. came home, did some research on what he saw, and decided they really needed to make a documentary on it..
[url ""]film pt. 1[/url]
[url ""]film pt.2[/url]
[url ""]film pt.3[/url]
[url ""]film pt.4[/url]
[url ""]film pt.5[/url]
I just heard on Yahoo news that they will not show the body today at the news conference, just the DNA evidence and pictures.
i watched a youtube enterview that it would be shown.
I definitely believe in the possibility of Bigfoot. It has always interested me.

However, I am calling hoax on this one:

That web site is overflowed with too much traffic now, so you might not be able to connect to it. But it appears to be yet another hoax. Too bad. I would like them to really find one.