It was a short day today at the Nell, got on the water at 6:00 and had to be off and headed home by 11:00...
Tried a few spots where in the past years at this time would have bass on them..So much for the past...
Then headed for places that had minnows or fry close by and found a few, both trout and bass...
The trout was in 10' to 30' , bows in less water then browns and bass from 0' to 15'..
All came on the drop shot the longest was a brown at 24" and one bow at 22" biggest bass at 19", 22 fish caught and released and off the water by 11:15, it was a short day but fun...Water temps at 6:00 66.8 and 69.6 at 11:15 its starting to cool down...
Nice fishies! Wish I could have the days you so often have at this lake! It's kinda tough when your mobility is limited by a toon or tube. No hit and run fishing here! I went with my bro on Friday. We tubed/tooned the Rock Cliffs arm. My bro caught 4-5 smallish smallies and I caught one trout. I caught the trout drop-shotting one of your "secret" minnows, but in emerald shiner. My bro caught all his bassettes split-shotting weenies/robos. I lost probably my biggest smallie d/s a Zoom Fluke. I never saw it but the rod was bendo, then she just let go of the hook! Oh well....I know where she lives! There's this one tree.... [:p]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]I have not done much smallmouth bass fishin at the 'Nelle, so do they go deep by this time of year there? The Gorge report says the water temps. there are around 66 degrees as well, and the bass are 30-50 feet. [/#000000][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]I have never given dropshoting a serous try that deep but it must be effective. As far as I know, the technique was developed for deep sea water. What size of weight would you use for over 40 feet for a good presentation?[fishin][/#000000][/font]
On some days I will fish from one end to the other and spots in between...
There are lots of lures the bass and trout will hit gulp is only one of many that I and others like your self use..
Don't get locked in on just one, finding the type of fish you want to catch can mean more then what you use at times...
Do the bass at Jordanelle go deep this time of year????
If it was any of the past 3 to 5 years I would say YES, but this year no....
This year is something else I look back through my notes and all say look deep, but then I fish deep???What is deep???
I stopped to explain for those who may not understand what I mean by deep...
DEEP to me is water that is over 15' to what ever depth, some places in the south and east when they talk about deep its water over 5' to 8' is deep...
But this year at Jordanelle and the Gorge the bass are for the most part staying in water 0' to 15' of depth to feed, I hope this helps....
And at the Gorge you can catch more bass in or around sticks and rocks mix in 0' to 15' of water 12" and bigger...
First of all those are some nice fish. Second, I was up there yesterday with my father in law and we only boated 6 or 7 bass. We fished a texas rig from 4pm to 9:30pm and in every color, and we were drifting parallel to the shore and casting up to the shore and in the dead trees and weeds with a slow gig/retrive. We were using grubs, sinkos lizards, and tubes.Could I be doing anything wrong? Can you give me any tips of how I can boat more bass? I would truely appreciate it. Thanks, Travisbh
I don't use a texas rigs that much at the Nell cause for me they don't work that good most of the time...
I do use a carolina rig but with a Mojo rock hopper for the weight...
Why I use the rock hopper so the weight will NOT snag and to hold the grub or tube or worm up on the hook so it dose not ball up on the hook I use the Parasite clip to keep the lure in place...
How many time have you tried to set the hook and had the fish for a send or two then lose it, and when you reel in your lure is all balled up on your hook...The clip will keep that from happing and you will catch 70% of those kind of misses...
Oh yes what do I use Mojo weights drop shoting and wacky rig senko type lures, all my drop shots are NOT weedless...And my lure of first choice is gulp minnow in smelt 3" for drop shotting and some others if needed...
As always, thanks for all your posts and the information you provide in them.
Why no pics of the trout? hmmmm....
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]To me deep for Utah is 40 feet or more. I am not a bass expert, I just fish for all species in a body of water. But I think I need to start trying different techniques. I always plan to, but when I get to fishing I just ty on the good old tube jig and drift fish with it.[/#000000][/font]
No pictures???
Well I don't keep any trout if I don't have to and when fishing alone I don't like to hurt the fish if I can help it... So how would you hold a trout and take a picture of it and still let it go???(unharmed)????
Plus I think of trout like I do chubs but I like chubs more....[

If I want to try a new to me way of fishing or a new lure all I take is that and fish it all the time in every way I have heard or can think of till I catch fish....
And if at all possible I try to fish with some one who I have heard is good at it...
Thanks for the tips Bassrods. I am headed up there tomorrow morning and I will give the drop shot a try. Oh and one last question what size of weight you use the most up there when drop shotting?
PS: Thanks again
The lightest weight is 1/4 oz un less the wind is up and then I use bigger...