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Full Version: Saturday night cats
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Well after a tough night on the bear on friday me and the wife headed to another spot saturday. It payed off big 50 fish night. Average fish was 12 inches biggest just over 7lbs. Lost a couple real big ones to some logs. Lots of fun. Cut baits of the bottem was the trick. I attached a couple pics.
[Wink] wow deeds!!! Good lookin cats you got there..From the bear ???Fish On ..FISHAMANIAC..
Ya the bear out by tremonton
WOW I have never fished the bear whats the best area to go? Do I need my tin tub?
[#500000]This brings back memories of when I was young.....We used to fish off the old bridge in back of Bear River City....We fished off the bridge to get the bait into the river channel.......When we would catch a fish, we would have to wind it up to the bridge deck because we were 30 feet from the water.......If we caught a big one we would have to pass the pole around the bridge girders to get down to the bank to fight it.......WW.[/#500000]
WaveWolf Its funny you bring that up because we were fishing off a cut bank that was probably 15 feet, so I was having to try to dirt surf my way down to the waters edge wenever we got a big one in. Well one of the times I was going down it I had a flash light in one hand and a pole in the other (with a big fish on it) and my feet went right out from under me! landed straight on my back at the bottem, luckly right before the water!!, Then I hear my wife laughing histaricly looking down from the top of the bank. I did manage to hold onto the flashlight and pole and still got the fish. I got up dusted myself off and climb back up for some more kittie action!
So the hooks that I talked you into actually worked huh?
[#500000]Yes!.....Either you have to fish a bank like that where the river channel pushes into the bank, or from a bridge so you can get the bait into the main channel....Either way it's kind of tough sledding to get the big ones on the bank.....WW.[/#500000]
Is the Bear River clear or muddy? I also used Google Map and could see on Highway 102 a place where you could launch a small boat, at least on the satellite thats what it looked like, am I right?
Yes you can launch a boat there. Its pretty shallow this time of year.
Just wondering where you where fishing at me and the wife went the other night right after brigham and didnt do so well really want to take her out and get her hooked into a big'en keep hearing we need to head futher north but dont know the area very well.
I'm going to head up to the Bear this weekend for some late night kittie fish'in with some friends to try er out. It's been a while since I fished out of Tremonton, hopefully I can find the roads again. What type of cut bait we're you using? Which hooks did catfishgitter hook you up with? Sounds like you got some good help. [fishin]