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Full Version: Goose Hunting Application Period Begins for Lac Qui Parle Controlled Hunt
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The application deadline is approaching for hunters wishing to reserve a date to goose hunt in the controlled hunting zone at the Lac qui Parle Wildlife Management Area, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The department will accept applications postmarked between Aug. 25 and Sept. 17 on a first-come, first-served basis.

To apply, hunters must submit a standard 3-1/2 inch by 5-1/2 inch postcard with full name and address, and must list their first and second choice of hunting dates. The limit is one postcard per hunter. Applications should be sent to: Controlled Hunt, Lac qui Parle Wildlife Management Area, 14047 20th St. NW, Watson, MN 56295.

Successful applicants will receive notification by mail designating the date of their hunt, and may be accompanied by one or two guests. All hunters in the Lac qui Parle controlled hunt zone who are 18 years of age or older will be charged a $3 fee on the day of their hunt to partially cover controlled hunt expenses. The DNR will assign goose-hunting stations during a drawing held on the morning of the hunt.

A split regular Canada goose season of 41 days is proposed at Lac qui Parle (West Central Zone). The first segment is four-days in length beginning Thursday, Oct. 16 thru Sunday, Oct. 19. The season will then close for five-days reopening Saturday, Oct. 25 and continuing thru Sunday, Nov. 30.

The reservation system will be in effect for the entire goose season.

For more information, call the Lac qui Parle headquarters at (320) 734-4451.