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Full Version: Currant Creek 8/20
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We launched the boat at about 6:30, after changing a flat tire that we got on the 15 mile dirt road. The fishing was slow but we did boat about 12 cutts.[Image: sleeping.gif] All the fish were small, biggest being about 16". We were looking for CTCR, but I think all we landed were Bonneville cutts. Anyone know how to tell the difference between the two when they don't have their spawning colors? Anyway the mountains are so dry up there I wouldn't be surprised if there is a forest fire in the near future. [frown] We did see a female moose and her calf and got some good pics before the calf decided to run off.[shocked] We drove past Deer Creek and the whole lake's surface is covered with mud. I think its from the construction on the dam. Thought you might want to know if you have a trip planned there. There is also a 20 minute wait in Daniels caynon.
Man its been a long time since Ive been up there we used to go out there when I was a kid.The dry forest is thanks to all the tree huggers not letting loggers go through and clean out all the dead lumber!!! IDIOTS
[cool]Thanks for the report. That's the first one I've read all summer from there. I don't envy your flat tire, but if it makes you feel any better, I got one on that same road about 5 years ago. On a humorous note, the ex wasn't happy about how late it made me getting home. I'm glad I don't have to deal with that anymore, LOL. Good luck next trip out!
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Looks like a great time with the Moose [Wink]. Do you launch off a ramp there or just back up to the lake?[/#000000][/font]
Theres a small boat ramp past the dam on the far side depending which direction you enter at

FYI to save a bit of time take the turn off at co-op creek shaves like 20 minutes off your drive. Oh dont try it in the winter I got stuck there thank god for those snomobiles or Id have been a frozen ice sculpture.
Too bad about the flat tire, serves you right for leaving me at home, hahahahaha just kidding.... nice moose pics... maybe next time....
What is co-op road like? Can you haul a trailer on it and be ok?
there must be some serious nails and crap in that road. I went bow hunting up there last weekend and ended up with TWO flat tires. Luckily they were slow leaks so I just boogied for Heber and got 'em fixed.