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Okay FGD what kind of magical deal can you wheel for us on this trip? "Cruise the coast of Chile"[/#008000][/font][/size]
[inline "Orvis Int.jpg"]
No deal, I don't work for them anymore.
you dont have any friends that do.. imagine what a family reunion that would be... [
MacFly [cool]
I don't think we got deals on those even when I did work for them.
lol..its worth a try anyway.. I think it would be an awesome trip.. [
MacFly [cool]
The best deal that I could work out on one of those is if you ,Dryrod and I get on the back of someones ranger boat that ran out of gas and start kicking with the flippers.[laugh]
LOL> sounds like a lot of work to me.. especially towing that keg with us.. :-)
MacFly [cool]