well here's the low down. we went to starvation to walleye fish and only caught a couple small ones. so we went to the bridge to get out of the sun, and this is what we found... pics... we tied off by putting our anchor around the second pillar. we had a fun couple of hours. go get em!
ps. sorry for the late post we went on friday

] nice report on the perch fishin at starvation !!! too bad bout the eye fishin.. thats the way eye fishin is never consistent ..you probably know all ready.... What was the biggest perch you guys bagged to the cooler ??? Im plannin on takin the wife an kids up there shortly... And how was the rec folks too ??? thanks PIKEMAN99..
[cool][#0000ff]You might fool others into thinking you were after walleyes, but I know you are a PERCH HOUND.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hey, that jig you had in the picture looks pretty good. Know where I can get some of those?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'm heading back over to Bunny Gulch with Lloyd on Thursday. Hope we can find some of the eyes you left unmolested. If not, I will settle for some nice perchies too.[/#0000ff]
OOOpps. That's why I posted so that some one would take their kiddo's. To the spot where the Perch are so heavy it's hard to do any thing wrong. Hopefully you noticed on the fish finder that they were from 8 feet to 30 feet deep. That was with the sensitivity turned way down. The rec. folks treat ya alot different in a 24 footer than in a 14 foot fishing boat. Yes by the way I do know how to get some of them Jigs. I got them from a real good friend of mine who likes the barter system. He loves elk burger and sausage, summer sausage, and brauts. Oh yeah I almost forgot and the number 1 kick a-- elk jerky. PIKEMAN GO FISH
Hey Pikeman was only teasing. Those jigs only work on the hard deck don't bother trying them for eyes or perch while floating.
What I seriously do find interesting is that the perch were suspended. We've fished that spot but found the bigger fish only hugging the bottom.
[cool][#0000ff]I found the picture of the sonar screen interesting, but not unusual...for Starvation. Perch are generally considered to be bottom huggers, and they are. But, I have found them suspended off the bottom several times at Starvation. Walleyes too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There have been a couple of trips where I found perch clustered near the bottom, in 20 to 25 feet of water, and then tossed over a marker buoy to help keep me on them while making vertical drops. Then, after catching a few fish and getting the school all hot and bothered, they would begin rising up in the water column until they were within a few feet of the top. On more than one occasion I have been able to see them swimming right under me and could catch doubles (tandem rig) every time I simply lowered my jigs into the water with only a rod length of line out from the rod tip.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There have also been a couple of times when I could not find fish on the bottom, but found schools of fish suspended at mid depth. Suspecting chubs, carp or trout, I delayed actively working them...until I caught a couple of perch while halfway back in on a retrieve.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]During the warm part of the summer, fish are likely to seek layers of water that are cooler or which have better pH or oxygen levels. We see that all the time with trout and kokanee, but it is not as common with perch...in most lakes. But, Starvation is deep enough that it can stratify and develop layers with a few degrees difference in temperature or a couple of points higher or lower in certain chemical properties.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Earlier in the summer, I know a couple of walleye trollers that were scoring lots of walleyes by trolling crankbaits only a few feet deep over 50 feet of water. That is not uncommon in the Great Lakes, and other large walleye waters, but is relatively unknown in Utah.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If nothing else, it underscores the importance of having good sonar and knowing how to use it. It also helps to know the species you are after and how they behave in the waters you are fishing.[/#0000ff]
Hmmmmm. TD you bring up an interesting thought.
No one (that I know of) has mastered the perch bonanza at Starvation through the ice (except Pikeman got into a few this last year at the DWR search-a-thon), so could they be ............. suspended?
[cool][#0000ff]Don't ask me. All I can tell you is a thousand places they AIN'T.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That lake has really been a source of frustration to the perch hounds during the winter. Lotsa good perch jerkers have swiss cheesed the ice and sonared the depths all over that lake during the winter with very little to show for it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Pikeman did get into a few towards the end of last ice season. Let's see if his "pattern" and his spots hold up this winter.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We all know there are bajillions of those little yellow buggers in Starvation, but they can sure be tough to find when the hard deck comes on.[/#0000ff]
Some times the perch at Jordanelle act this way, any way this year they have been holding about ten feet off the bottom in 40 feet of water...
The more you learn about a fish the easier they are to catch....You would think....
I know you don't target perch - you're too busy yanking up those basseroos, but have you "accidently" found them as you describe?? Have they bit on your drop shot?
"The more you learn about a fish the easier they are to catch....You would think...."
[cool][#0000ff]Yeah, but we are fishermen. We ain't paid to think. If we get a penny for our thoughts we are overcharging.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It is always amazing how just when somebody thinks they have the fish figured out, the fish find another way to humble us. Kinda like wives.[/#0000ff]
A few times, in the past years the bass would act this way and the first time I droped down on them this year it was funny to find only perch...
And yes they love the drop shot...
You said it....[

But isn't that why we keep fishing???[fishin]
Very nice haul of Perch. No Walleyes, did you fish in Saluratous at all ?
Looks like perch filet time!!!!