08-26-2008, 11:10 AM
Fishery Remains Open for Hatchery Coho and Steelhead
Action: The mainstem Columbia River from Buoy 10 upstream to the Rocky Point/Tongue Point line will close to chinook retention effective Monday, Aug. 25, 2008, but will remain open for hatchery coho and steelhead.
Effective dates: Aug. 25 through Dec. 31, 2008.
Species affected: Chinook salmon.
Location: The mainstem Columbia River from Buoy 10 upstream to the Rocky Point/Tongue Point line.
Other Information: The mainstem Columbia River upstream of Buoy 10 (Tongue Point/Rocky Point line) is scheduled to open for chinook retention beginning Sept. 1 (with the exception of the sanctuary area around the mouth of the Lewis River).
Reason for action: The Buoy 10 fishery is expected to achieve the catch and/or upriver bright allocation by Sunday, Aug. 24.
Action: The mainstem Columbia River from Buoy 10 upstream to the Rocky Point/Tongue Point line will close to chinook retention effective Monday, Aug. 25, 2008, but will remain open for hatchery coho and steelhead.
Effective dates: Aug. 25 through Dec. 31, 2008.
Species affected: Chinook salmon.
Location: The mainstem Columbia River from Buoy 10 upstream to the Rocky Point/Tongue Point line.
Other Information: The mainstem Columbia River upstream of Buoy 10 (Tongue Point/Rocky Point line) is scheduled to open for chinook retention beginning Sept. 1 (with the exception of the sanctuary area around the mouth of the Lewis River).
Reason for action: The Buoy 10 fishery is expected to achieve the catch and/or upriver bright allocation by Sunday, Aug. 24.