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Full Version: fishing advice for the weekend?
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My dad and I are getting up early tomorrow and going fishing, we're just planing on fishing the Weber river during the early morning but i figured i'd ask around here for advice, is there a good place to park our car and hop in at or is anywhere good, also what have people been catching with? we just have some cheap open reel rods, an assortment of simple lures and some random power bait.

or is there a better river near by that someone would suggest? (we live in layton by the way) neither of us know much about fishing so keep advice simple
Be SURE to check the regulations for wherever you go, for example:

WEBER RIVER (Summit County) (From the first I-80 bridge upstream from Echo
Reservoir (near Exit 164) upstream to I-80 bridge near Wanship (near Exit 156))
• Trout limit 2
that just means that i can't put any powerbait or anything on the lures right?

anyone who's fished there recently have any advice? i'm just curious what they're biting and about what size i should be holding out for since the limit is two trout

i've been reading around and people say that the weber is actually best fished in the evening? anyone got a word on that?
[cool][#0000ff]Sorry, doesn't look like you are going to get much input. Friday afternoon before you plan to go fishing Saturday is not a good time to be asking for help...especially before a big weekend when a lot of members are "out of pocket" already. Our traffic count goes way down after about 10 AM on Friday.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The Weber is almost always kind to those who know how to properly present a spinner, Rapala or sunken fly. Lots of fish in there. Take an assortment of spinners and some small sinking/diving Rapalas in assorted colors.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Access can be difficult. Much of the river is now posted so you have to look for designated angler access points. I do not fish the river so I can't help you with directions.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As far as the Powerbait goes, leave it in the car. If you are fishing an artificials only area you cannot even have any kind of bait in your possession.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good luck.[/#0000ff]
thanks for the info, i tried to go get a taste of the river tonight but couldn't really find access until i was a ways up the canyon, and the "anglers access" was a really crappy trail that put you in a worthless part of the river aside from one hole that looked alright up by a damn there, but someone was on that all night so i just took a hike and down river and started coming back up but had little luck and almost fell in over my head in some deep holes.

the part of the river between riverdale and the canyon is where i wanted to fish, but it's all blocked off now, we may just go up to blacksmith fork on sunday evening and fish there, it's not great but it's small and quiet and less of a hassle. but for future trips does anyone know a good access point for the weber river on that strech by I-84?