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a buddy of mine called yesterday morning to see if i could go to huntington with him.. i said i was planing on doing some stuff with the wife today.. so he asked if he could get a bag or two of minnows.. i said sure come on over and get them.. well he got there and my wife was out side when he pulled up. she turns to me and asked you going fishing today? i said no i thought i would stay home today, [angelic].. she said why? i should go today the wether is going to be bad for a while after today. [sly]she dose not have to tell me twice. so packed up what little i needed to pack.. had most every thing in the boat allready.. and headed to huntington..
got to the lake to find it packed! counted 7 boats and 16 tube's when we first got there.. about 9:30 10:00..
we trolled for the first houre or so with not much going on there.. and the wind had picked up so much i could not hold the boat from spining.. so we whent up by the dam and parked on top of a bump in 45 feet of water and started jigging.. wow what a good choice there.. we started getting hitt's right off.. it was none stop fish hitting and catching for the next 4 or 5 hours.. we went through about 40 shiners and we where cutting them into small chuncks and jigging with white 1" to 3" tubes.. my arms are very sore today from all the catching and jigging i did yesterday.. was a good day to fish.. sorry no pic's. i guess i left the camrea at home in my hurry to get out before my wife changed her mind.. [:/] [sly]
[#008000]Forgot the camera ? It's a small price to pay.[/#008000]
[#008000]Camera notwithstanding, that does bring into mind a humorous image ... The Fuzzymeister scurrying about as fast as possible to get out of dodge before the wife's favorable prevailing weather pattern changed. [/#008000]
Glad someone had fun. I got there about 5am. Fishing from the shore. I sat for about 2 hours all alone catching nothing and getting not a single bite. (spinners, flys, rapalas, powerbait) Then a few of the campers started to wake up and got out there on boats and what not, It didn't look they were catching anything either. I sat there until ~8:30 or so and didn't see really anything but small tiger minnow. I could hear some of the bigger fish judging by their splash very early, but once the sun came out and I saw how tiny the fish were I got discouraged and left to some other waters nearby.

The water was also really shallow around the north side and had more snags than I can remember in a long time. Not to mention the thick mud. I probably should have tried over by the dam since some pontoons were sticking close to there or maybe along what looked to be the deeper south side, but they weren't having any action either.

I visited Millers Flat, Looked nice if I had a small inflatable or canoe, but again, no one was really having much luck and it was 10 times more crowded than Huntington on the shore. I got a few fish to chase, but they gave up. They looked real sluggish and were lounging by the shore. Whenever they do that, I have never had any luck. I almost stopped at Electric, but figured it would be just a waste of time. So ventured onto Scofield figuring I would stay for a few hours, after I got there and saw the crowd and also remembering that I had fished there when I was younger to no avail, headed home since I wanted to take a look at the Utah game.

I was looking to get an inflatable boat, but thanks to the incompetence of Cabelas and the late season, that didn't pan out.

What size of tigers were you catching over there?
trolling they were small 8 to 13 inch's.. jigging they were 16 to 22 inch's.. and some good fighters! [sly].

the only time i have done very good at huntington from the shoure is at ice off.. after that it's a boat or tube kind-a lake!

i'm only guessing but i would have to say we cought around 60 to 80 fish for the 2 of us and missed a lot more then that!

but them tigers can be very hard to put a good hook into!.
Nice report and great fishing. Was it windy.
funny thing was it was only time it was windy was when we tryed to troll.. if i cut the motor and and started jigging no wind.. as soon as i fried the trolling motor up here it would come.. lol well when we were jigging we ancered up so it did not bother us as much as well and i dont notice the wind as long as i'm catching fish.. if we were not hit fish as fast as we were we would have taken more note of it i'm sure. [sly]
nice report, the wind is only blowing and its only cold if your not catching fish!