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Full Version: catching red fish on a cigarette butt Video
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Here is a video to start out your work week.I have had several people requests that I catch a redfish on a cigarette butt. Well it wasn't the easiest thing to do but it got done. Just to let everyone know it was new and wasn't used cigarette so the redfish is not gonna catch cancer, so I didn't have to give him a Nicorette gum or the patch. [Image: icon_lol.gif] Once again I hope ever one enjoys a video and if you have any suggestions on what else I might catch red fish on don't be afraid to post them. If you get a chance to watch the video please share your comments and thoughts.

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That was a very cool video...I've caught Albacore on cigarette butts here on the west coast.
I've also caught albacore on small paper was a blast watching the fish blow up on the paper airplane.