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Full Version: McCain Pulled a Kerry?
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I havent seen this topic yet on the VP choice for the republican party.

Yes I know that McCain had little to do with this vp pick. there is nothing that makes sence of it, Barbra Walters would have been a wiser choice for VP.

who knows, walter may even been a better choice for president that all those who ran this year... she cirtainly has the political experience, or at least she has sat down and talked with most every cheif of staff around the world at one point in time over the last 30 years...

as for Palin I dont give two squats about what any one is saying about her or her family other than maybe the forced removal of an officer unless it was for embatterment reason, then and only then is that a dew cause for removal of a police officer from his possition, not even a police officer has the right to phisicaly abouse any one...

so here is my take on Palin for what it is worth...
I only see two things about her...

[ol][li]First off I do like her attitude twards fire arms...[/li][li]I dont like the idea about her comming from alaska and only having 1.5 years in the governers seat.[/li]
[ul][li] Reason is Alaska only has two three industries, Tourism Comercial Fishing and Oil[/li][/ul][/ol]Two of these industries makes me a nervous panther "comercial fishing and oil, I dont like the idea that these industries have had an open door to her office over the past year and a half.

Yes I heard the media say she has gone head to head with the oil companies, but ya know when a corporation goes in they demand 3-4 times what they need so by the time they get out of the office the end up with what they wanted in the first place or some times even a little more...

so ya, I do understand how that barganing goes on, and the apearance of bumping heads is evident when in acturality she is would be serving to their needs on a black gold platter.... I also wonder dose she share the same barganing with comercial and international comercial fishing as she dose with oil?

This also makes me wonder if all this family smoke is nothing but a surade to cover the fact that she was hen picked by opek.

I am sorry, I have to express my concerns on this vp choice, especialy when McCain had much better options.

Especialy at a time when we need it more than ever a seperation between commerce and state....

If any one has evidence or has found her history on dealings with these industries and how the citezens faired because of the dealings I would like to hear about it....

after all, those are the real issues, [#ff8080]not her baby is having a baby.[Image: dumb.gif][/#ff8080]