its completely full and spilling over now still good for kokenee by the boy scout camp usually mid day by the pile of muck good planter action also.

If you don't mind me asking, what were you using to catch the kokes?
I know that there is not a ramp there, however I have heard conflicting reports on wether you can launch small boats there. I have a 16' aluminum boat it weighs about 500 lbs, can I launch it there?
P4L is right, you will have a hard time carrying a 500lb boat down to the water. There is no launch and the only way you can get your boat to the water is carry it over the rail at the dam or go back to Causey Estates and get past the poles that block a trailer from getting to the water but there is not much chance of that. WH2
i was using a red wedding ring spinner with a spoon with the hook off to cast and get it deeper. seen lots of people doing good with salmon eggs also.