Hey there NFD! I mysef have only been fishing for about 4 months or so, but I can tell you that I've learned a lot in these past months! Here is my contribution to this thread!
1) Start small! Try the simple hook and worm method before trying any of the more "advance" methods of fishing.
2) Bring a friend who has experience fishing! They may even be able to share tackle with you!
3) Vist TakeMeFishing.org! It helped me a lot! The kids will enjoy the site as well! You can look at all the different species as well as learn what works for catching each species!
4) Research what kinds of fish are in your area, go ahead and tell the board members here at BFT where you live and we can all collectively try and help you!
5) Keep reading! The more you learn the more confident you'll feel instructing your children on fishing.
6) Don't sweat it if you don't catch anything, we all get "skunked" and learn from our mistakes
7) Some of the cheapest bait you can use is stuff you can make, here's a good recipe for doughballs! The kids will enjoy making these!
Get 1 Cp. Flour, 1 Cp. Yellow Cornmeal, and 1Tsp. of sugar and mix it all in a bowl
Next, Take 1 quart of water and pour just enough of it into the dry ingredients to make a heavy dough
Then roll the dough into balls appx. 1/2-1in. in diameter (use the end of your finger to measure!)
Mix the rest of the water with 1 Cp molasses and pour into a pan
Add flavoring such as garlic, licorise, anise, or strawberry gelatin
Then, when the mixture is boiling drop in the doughballs but don't over crowd them!
Cook for about 2 to 3 minutes and cool before using.
All you have to do is thread them onto your hook and they are ready to go! You can make tons of these and adjust the ingredients accordingly. The kids will enjoy useing these becuase they aren't as gross and you don't have to worry about whether your doing something right. Most fish will like this tasty treat.
8) The best advice I can give you is let your curiosity run wild! Experiment and tell us what you think! Keep reading up and whenever you get a question in your head ask someone so you can be sure you're on your way to landing the lunker you've been working towards!
I hope fishing sticks with you! Its very fun to teach kids and it'll be around for ages.
