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how do your rate the species of walleye?

pic's and aditional comments are always welcome...
Love eating the eyes, catching them is another matter. In spring and early summer they are easy enough to catch but late summer and ice eyes are tough.
location location location and offering and presentation is about the only thing I can say about eyes.

I have not mastered the eyes though the ice thing yet, probably because I spend most of my time chacing gills though the ice. to be honest, I never see any one who is realy proficient on bring walleyes up though the ice, I have had my best luck moving when fishing for them and that is hard to do when targeting them though hard water.
Ive never ice fished in UT. In WI eyes through the ice was pretty darn good fishing. They are real lethargic, caught them on tip ups primarily, each fisherman could legally fish with 5 poles then and I think it's the same now. Eyes are tough and tasty. My favorite thing to fish for although I rarely take my boat off the gorge these days.


its crazy 90 percent of my walleye success has been fishing structure under the ice, ive only got a handful during open water
As some have said, love eating Walleye. I guess for here in Utah, it's my favorite fresh water fish to eat. And as others have also said, eating is great........Wink  catching is another story, at least for me.
I tried targeting "eyes" several years ago. Did all the things others were doing, mostly at Willard. Couldn't boat a walleye to save my live. Stopped spending all that time and $ for walleye, and presto.......would catch one or two sometimes each trip, dragging, trolling, drifting, for those "whatever bites" kind of fish. Tongue.
Yea, Forrest. I tried for years to catch them at Utah Lake and Willard with the same luck as you. The only place I ever did good was years ago at Starvation. Just casting mr. Twister jigs. When tube jigs first came out I had some luck fishing the rocks at Willard. But I haven't caught one for a while.
Love em, cant get enough, they do have the best table fair, but for me its the big girls that I love, they are not fighters how ever you get a 10lbs on teh end of your line you know know it, I love to see teh water swirl just befor you see them, I dont thin anyone can master them, as soon as you have a good day got em figured out, teh next day comes and skunk, eyes for me is the challange, I like cast and reel, I love the bump and slow pull of a eye at the end of your line, just the feel of it on the end of the line.
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