Get a load of this absolute BS! The poor little cat, i hope it chokes on a piece of the ladies throat and suffers a horrible drawn out death! I would like to meet the person who wrote this article face to face. This just made all the anger management progress i have made fly right out the window![mad][mad][mad][mad][mad]
Brody, calm down... It will be okay... Its just the onion... Nothing there is true; satire. Rent the movie, watch it, laugh about it.
hey bud hes right its the onion. 99% of that story os pure hog wash. let me get to work and do some research and ill find the real deal.
Never heard of the "onion". I hope to hell it is hogwash! Cause if it isn't....[pirate]
here you go:
[url ""][/url]
as you can tell the onion slightly skews news, but its for entertainment. i thought the movie was hilarious. the only thing i could ever find about a woman being killed by a mountain lion happened on 01DEC2001, in montana.
Ya the onion is 99% BS they only write things to shock and offend people its old shock factor in play they occasionally do write some funny stories but like mentioned earlier its all fake.
LOL. That's some funny stuff. Yeah, the onion is satire.. All in fun.
Here's a funny one for baseball fans:
[url ""][/url]