09-16-2008, 12:24 AM
Went camping with the family up at the Maple Grooves resort. Enjoyed the hot springs and the cooler weather so much that I did'nt even launch the boat in the reservoir. Fished the river for about an hour and half on Saturday caught 3 nice trout 13,15 and 17 inches all off a crawler drifted down stream. Also caught a couple smallmouths all were tiny. Sunday we went back to the river on the way home and caught six between three of us (all around 15 inches) in about an hour, this time we used a black wooly bugger and the fly rod. This was some excellent fishing and I plan on getting back up there at least one more time this year. Hopefully next time I will get a chance to fish more and see how the reservoir fishes. Thanks to TS and his bro for the great advice, and to dmamoyte for his two cents. I couldn't imagine a better river to fish!!!!
Sorry no pictures the digital camera has been broken for awhile...
Sorry no pictures the digital camera has been broken for awhile...