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I found this info on Questar's web site and thought i would share

Why is this Green Sticker adjustment necessary?

A Green Sticker adjustment is necessary because most natural gas-fired furnaces and water heaters in Utah need to be derated to operate safely and efficiently at different altitudes. Also, new set points for natural gas-fired furnaces and water heaters went into effect in 1998 due to the changing composition of local gas supplies.

Will these changes require replacement of any appliances?


What can happen if my appliances are not properly adjusted?

Natural gas is a safe, dependable and economical energy source. If your appliances are not properly adjusted, they may not operate safely. Improperly adjusted appliances could result in natural gas not being burned correctly, which may produce excess carbon monoxide. Under certain conditions, especially without proper ventilation, carbon monoxide could be released into your home. Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odorless and tasteless gas that is poisonous and can cause serious injury or, in extreme cases, even death. The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are: Persistent, severe headaches usually affecting more than one family member; Nausea, vomiting and weakness; The disappearance of symptoms when individuals leave the house. If you suspect the presence of carbon monoxide in your home based on symptoms exhibited by family members, open windows and/or doors, and evacuate all persons from your home to avoid continued exposure. Have your home inspected as soon as possible to identify and fix the source of the carbon monoxide

If you need any more info or questions you can respond here or PM me
Green stickers only cost between $25.00-$60.00
It is a liability to change (lower the grade) of the natural gas. This way if anything bad happens somehow, someway the gas company is not held accountable. When it comes down to it they are using lower grade natural gas, upping the price and not taking responsibility for any damages. The only thing the 'green sticker' means is that you have a bigger gas orifice which allows more gas output but not more btu's.
I agree, I'm not planning on doing mine unless my furnace quits working. It's a scam I tell you, to get us to use more fuel[Wink].
wether it is a scam or not it has to be done Questar takes full responibility for the green stickers not the contractors if it is done correctly
All the info you need

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I had a guy come out to green sticker me. Took one lok at my boiler and said he would not do it because the unit was to old. hen he checked the exaust anyway.
.07 was the reading. Certification requires .20 or below. He still wouldn't sticker it.
I told him fine, leave and don't expect to get paid. He put up a fuss and I told him I would not only have him arrested if he did not leave my property as he was being instructed to do by the land owner, but that I would also report him to DOPL.

This whole program is a scam.
'nuff said.