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I'm still very new to fishing. When at the stores I see packages of snelled hooks. they look to be hooks tied onto a line already. Is that all they are? What would these be used for instead of just tying the hook onto my line or using some line and tying the hook on one end and a swivel on the other?

[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Hi there rw02kr43 - Basically a snelled hook is simply a fishing hook that has been tied to eight or nine inches of monofilament, with a loop at the end of the line. The advantage is that they are a lot easier to put on a line or to change between one and another, for instance, changing from a larger hook to a smaller one or the other way around. A diSadvantage is with the looped end, which is connected to the fishing line, creates drag in the water. This can be detected by fish and is occasionally a hindrance to catching fish, particularly in fast flowing water.[/size][/#008000][/font]