Fishing Forum

Full Version: Utah Lake, LH 9/17
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Launched the kayaks out of Lindon harbor at 2:30pm We headed north towords the thick reeds where we could hear fish splashing. After cruising around a bit and checking the depths out we setteled on a small open bay with several deeper channel mouths. Throwing to a mud swirl I hooked the first cat, a healthy 24" that dragged me well into the weeds before I netted him. We were not keeping, so I let him go. James was up next with a fiesty cookie cutter at 17" and that was released. We pounded the area with worms, prepared bait, bread, road runners, spinners. No more cats, no more anything. No white bass or carp for bait for cats. Nada. The first two cats were caught on prepard and, then that was it.
We pulled out at 6:00
At least you guys caught one apiece and the 24 incher sounds like a great fish. Did you take a picture of it? WH2
We had really good luck three weekends ago on channel cats using chicken liver. Throughout the night we caught 7 or 8. Just C&R for us that night.

Take it for whats its worth coming from a new guy though!