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Well I couldn't face the fact that I wasn't going to catch any wipers at Willard this year (I was waiting for the boils to start but apparently it never happened), so my buddy and I decided to head to Newcastle for an overnighter. We got to Cedar City on Thursday afternoon to 20 mph winds. Never having been to Newcastle before, I feared the worst. Fortunatly when we got there it was glass!

I decided the best spot to start would be in the deepest part of the lake, which was the NW side. We marked a number of fish in this area. I was throwing a swimbait, while my buddy threw a crankbait. Just about the time I was about to change to something else, a 3 pound wiper unloaded on my lure. Man it felt good to have one of them pulling hard on the end of my line again [cool] We kept working that side and my buddy nailed one that went 2 1/2 pounds (pic 1). A little furthur down I got a hit just off the bank, but missed it. I kept reeling and about 30 feet later my lure got pounded. About halfway to the boat it REALLY started to pull..... more than normal. After several screeching runs I got a look at it, and it was a horse! It went 5 1/4 pounds, and beat my previous personal best by 1 1/4 pounds (pic 2).

The action at that spot died off, and we started to see fish crashing the minnows against the shore on the opposite side, so we headed over there. I tied on a Zara Spook, and had several boils on it very quickly, but no fish. I thought they might be smaller wipers, so I tied on a Zara Puppy, and sure enough we started connection with small wipers and smallmouth bass. My buddy did nail a smallie that went 2 pounds before it was over (pic 3). The sun set way too soon, so it was back to Cedar City for the night.

This morning we got on the water by 7 am. We started throwing Spooks at the shore again and got right into the small wipers and smallies. Its so cool watching the fish crash the shoreline and see minnows bouncing across the top in a mad dash to get away! My buddy nailed another smallie that went close to 2 pounds (pic 4). Finally I connected with a wiper with a little size, and then shortly afterwards, got another. We finished the morning with a couple of 3 pounders in the NW side (pic 6). I lost count how many small wipers and smallies we caught. In one pic you can see my well worn Zara Puppy in the mouth of a wiper (pic 5). All of the fish were returned to fight another day [Wink]

All in all it was a great trip. The only downer was getting into an argument with a couple of knuckleheads who felt the need to troll between us and the shore less than 20 ft in front of us, and right where we were obviously casting . I couldn't believe the audacity of one of them when he accused us of hogging the school of fish (the fishing was spotty at best, there was no school). I told him he should have gotten an earlier start! I'd love to get back down there again this year, but it probably won't happen. Fred K.
Man o Man is that sweet or what? Very cool. I'm way jealous. Too bad fuel is so stinking expensive!
Nice post and great pictures...But don't you know those two own the lake and all the fish...[sly][Wink]
Sounds like you had a great time. It is too bad however that fishermen with etiquette are pretty rare. Keep casting.
Great report Fred, glad to hear you made it down there. Did you happen to check the length of that big wiper you caught?
I didn't measure that big wiper. I almost didn't weigh it either but it sure felt heavy when I was holding it so I thought I'd better. I about peed myself when it went 5 1/4 on the scale!

We talked to a couple who was also fishing that day and they got a 5 pounder too. That lake is about 1/5th the size of East Canyon (about the size of the Taylor arm), so there must be alot of feed in there to grow them that big in such a small body of water.

It took a huge amount of disciplin to not yank that Spook away when they we crashing on it, but not getting it! What fun [Smile] Fred.
Nice report and pictures, nice fish too.
[cool]That place looks like a lot of fun and that the wiper and smallmouth fishery is really coming along well. I'm going to have to hit that place next summer!
A wiper weighing that much must have been around 24 inches, at that rate there will be a new state record coming from there in just a few years. Do these pictures look familiar?
Thanks for the pics Curt ;0) Those small "coves" in the center of the first pic is where we were catching the small wipers and smallies on Zara Puppy's as they were chasing the bait up the shore. Man, I wish I had the time to get back down there again!

I agree with you, a State record wiper out of there may very well come within a few years. That place was loaded with minnows! Thanks, Fred.
Quote: We got to Cedar City on Thursday afternoon to 20 mph winds.
I never, ever thought i would see the day that wind would blow here![unimpressed]
Sounds like you found out how to stick them out there, just out of curiosity how would rate Newcastle against Willard? I've never fished Willard so i thought i would ask someone that has fished both.
Chris,I haven't fished it but by the report he gave I would get over there and catch some fish,they are on the feed right now and there is nothing like a 5lb wiper on the end of your line,just keep poles in your rod holders or in your hand,never leave a pole unattended we lost one last year when the wife went for a snack and the pole was set in the bottom of the boat,have fun and PM me for some tactics I am sure that would work up there.My dad has been to busy to get over there so I don't have a fish catching report for you,this cold front that just moved threw will shut them down for a few days but a couple of days of calm weather will get them going again.On a side note have you been back up to fish lake?Just wondering if I should head down yet to see if the macs are up to biting a long line lure yet.