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Full Version: Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir
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What a wonderful morning for my friend, Andy & I, even got rained on 2 times and drizzled on 2 times, saw the sun for about 1 min each time[cool]. I thank God for my 50# thrust motor cause the breeze was there with gust reaching 15 probably, but the walleye were hungry.

Andy did very well against the element and no motor coming home with 2. I brought home 3 and losing one which kept my lure to go show his brothers and sisters. The female had eggs and a male had milt so amybe they will still be laying eggs, seems late[crazy].

We got on the water a 7am and left at 11am we had a great time, but will bring the rain gear with next time. Here some pics with my new birthday present a Canon Power Shot A590.
Hey Michael,
Congrats on those nice walleyes! I know you've been wanting to get after them, and I am glad to see you've figured it out. It is one of my goals also. Nice pics; easy to see why the Canon Power Shot always seems to get rated Number one. Michael
Congrats on the fish and the new camera. I need a smaller camera to take fishing. Maybe Christmas[crazy]

Awesome fish! I miss that place.