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Full Version: Willard 10/03/08
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Put the boat in about 8 this morning I hadn't been on the Bay since mid July. Slow morning for me with only a couple bumps and two fish by noon. About 1:30 or 2 PM. it started to cloud up along with a nice little breeze that triggered the bite. Within an hr. I had boated four of the larger fish and tossed a couple back along with a couple bumps. I had to leave by 3:30 so I reluctantly headed in. I snapped a picture after I got home, they will probably be too large but I'll try anyway.[fishin]
Nice report, and some nice fish to boot. It was obviously a good day for you at the bay. What did you catch your fish on if you'd care to share? Were you trolling?

I believe I was standing on the shore at the north harbor casting some topwater when you came in this afternoon going by the Avitar (picture) of your well equiped boat. It was about 1:00 - 1:30 when you rolled in if that was you.

I landed one nice one, and lost a couple others early in the morning hours at the south marina. Nothing at the north end, and I later returned to the south bay where I found a few fiesty ones chasing baitfish around. They were pretty well focused, and uninteresed in anything I tossed their way. A soft minnow pattern might have worked, but being stubborn, I stuck with my lures until it was finally time to go to work. I was lots of fun trying anyway.
Actually I didn't come in until a little after 3 P.M. I was trolling crankbaits (Rapalas) in a color and size that CRANKEM turned me on to a few years ago, at 3 mph with planer boards in 5 to 7 1/2 feet of water. I was fishing by myself. [fishin]
There must have been a couple nice boats out there today as the one I saw looked alot like yours.

How do you like your Crestliner? I've been contemplating the purchase of an aluminum with an outboard so I can extend my fishing season. I currently have a Glass Hurricane Deck boat thats set up very nicely for fishing, but it's an I/O and has the limitations cold weather brings. I like the look of yours, and I also like the look of the Lund boats. What are your thoughts? Any regrets on your purchase thus far?

In addition to getting feed back on your boat, I'm going to try and pick your brain a little while your here in this thread. I've fished Willard about a half a dozen times in the last few weeks from the shore, and have fished it a few times from my boat in the past. Needless to say, I'm still on the steep slope of the learning curve with this fishery being somewhat of a challenge. Little to no structure to associate with, all open water, variety of conditions for water and weather, you name it. Every day is different.

Anyway, here it goes. Feel free to answer any, all, or none, your choice.

Are you running inline planer boards or do you use a mast setup?

Are you running one rod off each side of the boat when fishing alone?

Any tips / advise on using the boards successfully?

How do you know your lures are running at the desired depth when running them off the boards?

How much setback do you run your lures from the boards?

Do you use prefer Superlines (braid), Heavy Mono, or Flouro-Carbon line for your board rods?

Lure types that work best running behind boards - Shad Raps, Rattle Trap, Wally Divers, Frenzys, etc


I'll send you a PM.[fishin]
hey... cmon now, I wanted to see the answers too[crazy]
There are some guys on this site that know a heck of alot more about catching wipers than me. WH2, LH2, TD, CRANKEM, Petty4life are juust a few. They should be able to answer any questions you have.[:p]
[cool][#0000ff]Hey Bro, as per our exchange of PMs, I know you are new here, from Louisiana, and trying to learn as much as you can as fast as you can. Hang in there.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]MRCRESTLINER is a longtime respected member of BFT and is very knowledgeable about Willard and other waters. But, like many of our members he has found out the hard way that posting up all your hard-earned secrets on a public forum can sometimes work to your diSadvantage.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As a general rule, we are all open to sharing information of a general nature, but when it gets down to specifics we prefer to take it to a more personal level...PMs. It is not that we want to exclude anybody...just don't want to have a bunch of lurkers or happy harvesters to show up at our favorite spot and trash it before our next trip.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'm sure that if you sent a PM to Pete he would be willing to provide the information you are looking for.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]On another note, I am just about finished writing one of my "epic" epistles on "WILLARD WIPERS". It will include general info on best times, tactics, techniques and spots around the lake...for fishing all different ways you can use to catch wipers. It will also discuss some of the favorite lures...when, where and how to fish them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am waiting for some feedback from DWR folks right now, to make sure I have all of the facts right before i post it up. It will not guarantee everybody a limit of wipers every time out, but will at least clarify what most of the major issues are. After that, you have to put in the time and learn a lot of things for yourself...using your own basic angling skills and applying what others have discovered about fishing Willard for wipers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It's all good.[/#0000ff]
Very Nice! Sounds like you hit it just right.
looking forward to the article. I can use all the help I can get at Willard haha.
Do you need someone to proof read it?[Wink]
[quote bassbugn]Do you need someone to proof read it?[Wink][/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]I sent you a copy of the current draft by PM. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am a published author, copy editor and proofreader myself. And, I am the kid who used to win all the spelling bees. Of course I also have spellcheck on my Word program.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But, I am always open to comments or ideas on anything that can improve my work. I don't trip over my ego like a lot of writers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just be gentle.[/#0000ff]
[#008000]How about ultimatums ?[/#008000]
[#008000]Send me a copy of your epistle or I'll tell everyone that you really do know how to fish and you'll have hordes of worshippers following in your wake that will never let you angle on your own again in peace and quiet. Comply or else ! [/#008000]
[#008000]Besides, I could use the help - for some reason I keep putting the worm on the hook backwards and the fish never seem to be able to get the sharp part in their mouths.[/#008000]
[cool][#0000ff]I am not easily intimidated and I do not respond to threats. But, since you are a nice guy...and a skillful and knowledgeable fisherguy and writer...I will PM you the first draft.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have received some feedback and suggestions from Drew Cushing (DWR Warm Water Fisheries Director) that I will be integrating into the final writing. Still open to other input. I will also put together a labeled map.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]On the worm just don't lissen. I keep telling you to use only the left handed nightcrawlers. If you happen to get some right handed ones, just face the opposite direction while you are putting them on the hook.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sheesh. Kids these days.[/#0000ff]
Sounds Nice. Can't wait till you get it published so I can get a copy and read it.

Hopefully the missus and I will get up to Willard before the snow starts to fly down here in the valley. We really want to land a good wiper. Heard so much about them. Just have to wait till we both get the time to go. I never thought you could bank fishing Willard, so we never went there.
[cool][#0000ff]I will probably have the "first edition" PDF form...ready to send out within a couple of days. I will post up the announcement.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you have avoided Willard because you felt it was not fishable from shore, you have really missed out on a lot of good fishing. There are a legion of "regulars" who fish Willard ONLY from the shore, and they often take home more wipers than guys who "wash lures" all day behind a boat.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There are a paragraphs in the writeup that address the better locations and techniques for "bank tanglin". Even with the low water there are several spots where you can reach deep water and wipers with a short cast from shore.[/#0000ff]