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Full Version: Jackson Hole Trip for Wedding Anniversary
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Took a journey up to Jackson to get out of Utah for the weekend. This wasn't a "fishing trip," but I threw my gear in anyway. Funny thing was Flat Creek was a mile up the road from our lodge. There were Blue Wings all over the water, but I only saw three fish heads come up in three hours of examing the water. Needless to say, I got skunked on this very difficult stream.

Talked the wife into taking a different route home and got a one-day Idaho license. She let me fish for about 2 hours on the South Fork of the Snake....maybe one of my new favorite rivers. Not the easiet to wade, but I caught and missed over 15 fish in a short period. Blue Wings on the water again and fish gorging on them. What a beautiful place!!! A float trip here would probably be amazing.

See ya,

At least the Anniversary trip wasn't a total wash, always great to get out for a little fishing[Wink]. Any size to the fish you caught? WH2
Flat creek on the Elk Refuge is WAY over-rated. There are so many better places here to fish. The south fork is a funny river, it can be great, and can also be very frustrating. They constantly are flucuating the flows out of PaliSades and this in turn effects the South Fork. If you ever get back to Jackson, let me know..I can hook you up with some spots or info...Tom JL
[quote jacksonlaker]Flat creek on the Elk Refuge is WAY over-rated. There are so many better places here to fish. .Tom JL[/quote]

I'll go with that! Highly overrated. Can't hardly catch a fish in there.