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I am working right by the Daybreak Lake this week. I know this is a very young man-made lake and I have no idea if the fishing is any good or not, but if I am right here I will definitely be trying it.

Has anyone out there had any luck fishing it or have any advice of where to go on the lake or what to use?


Last I heard, you gotta be a daybreak resident to fish there.
No thats not true,the DWR stocked it and it is open to the with jigs near the boat docks and you will catch bass and blue gills,chuck powerbait for the trout.
[cool]Sent a p.m. to CBR. He's fished it before. There's largies and bluegill in there from what I've heard, but haven't heard much on that lake in a couple of years, so I don't know how it has fished lately. Those gills have to be getting big though, and I'd imagine that bass are doing the same by now. The planting was like in '05 or '06...
I don't think that the DWR is planting it anymore and it is no longer listed as a Community pond.

Some of the residents seem to think that it is only open to them and they may hassle you for fishing there. I fished there last week and all the signs seem to still welcome all fishermen.

I was fly fishing and caught enough nice bluegills to make it fun. They aren't monsters but ok. I also caught a few small LM. There should be some bigger ones by now but I wasn't really targeting them.

I really don't think that there any trout left.

If we keep the area clean maybe they will continue to allow us to fish. Remember it is private property and NO TRESPASSING signs could show up at any time.
Three weeks ago I took my scouts to Daybreak from West Jordan, anyone can fish there! The boys had fun catching all the bluegills they could. The fish were very small, but they wanted to keep some anyway. We mostly used bubble and a worm. No one was bored, the catch rate was consistent. It was a good close fishing activity for the boys.
Is this the same as the Oquirrh Lake I've heard ads for on the radio?
I have not heard the ads on radio. But the Daybreak pond is about a mile west of Bangerter Hyw. 114th south ? (the intersection by the District shopping area).
Yes, Oquirrh Lake is in the Daybreak housing developement. And Daybreak is easier to spell.
I fished the lake this morning and ended up with one small LMB and a few good bites. We are going to try it again this Friday morning with fly-poles instead.

What kind of flies were you having success with?

Thanks to everyone for the input!

#14 elk hair cadis
Well. Me and ymy buddies went today and hooked at least 15
buegill and four trout using flies. And caught some largemouths with lures so its really good right now [reply][/reply]