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Full Version: C.J. Strike Res.
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My wife and I fished C.J. today, and thanks to the advice given by Aluma165 recently on this site, we had a good morning of trout fishing, catching 7 very nice fish, and then moving to the submerged island for non-stop crappie and perch fishing, with an occasional bass as a reward. The crappie have gained in size since this summer, and the perch were in the 10-11 inch size. If it is crappie you want, drop a red and white crappie jig with a crappie nibble or crappie Tongue. If you would rather catch perch, use cut bait, and drop it fast to get through the crappie. There were huge schools constantly coming across my depth loc. screen. The trick on the crappie was to drop to the bottom, and slowly reel up. They weren't interested in a stationary jig. 30' was good for crappie, bluegill, bass, and even an occasional trout. 19' was better for perch. We found trolling for trout was best startingfrom the point across from the Air Force ramp and heading north towards the Snake arm, trolling in 30 to 50' of water. Mike