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George Bush has been in office for 7 1/2 years.

The first six the economy was fine.

A little over one year ago:
1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) the unemployment rate was 4.5%.
4) the DOW JONES hit a record
high--14,000 +
5) American's were buying new
cars,taking cruises,vacations overseas, living large!...

But American's wanted 'CHANGE'! So, in 2006 they voted
in a Democratic Congress and yes--we got 'CHANGE' all right. In the PAST

1) Consumer confidence has plummeted ;
2) Gasoline is now over $4 a gallon &
3) Unemployment is up to 5.5% (a 10%
4) Americans have seen their home equity
drop by $12 TRILLION
DOLLARS and prices still dropping;
5) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.
6) as I write, THE DOW is probing another
low~ ~

IT! ....




[Wink]Careful Curt!!! You wouldn't want to confuse liberal minds by dealing directly with the facts.[laugh][Wink] For example, a majority of small business owners are in the $250,000 a year income bracket that can expect Obama to raise taxes on. Last time I checked these small business owners employ tens of thousands of middle, lower income bracket citizens.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because of this). This is the fallacy of assuming that A caused B simply because A happened prior to B

you have committed a logical fallacy - you are hereby ordered to study:

[font "OBodoni-Open"]Logical Fallacies and the Art of Debate[/font]

before you pass along any more repooplicant emails [cool]

if ya want the plain simple facts.

nixon started the ball rolling with his oil imbargo and destablizing of the american dollar by taking us of the gold standard.

jump up to regan who was elected by the UAW in record numbers... he started the dergulation of laws set in place by FDR.

jump up to bush who did a little more biting on those regs.

jump up to clinton who opened up the floodgates with the NAFTA agreements.

then on to the next bush who allowed the stock market to deregulate from FDR's common sence polocies..

[center][#ff0000][size 6]and what do ya get? [/size][/#ff0000]
[center][#ff0000][size 6]1929 all over again....[/size][/#ff0000]
[center][#ff0000][size 6][/size][/#ff0000]
[center][#ff0000][size 6][/size][/#ff0000]
[center][#000000]they didnt do it alone, they had the congress and senet to sign all the deregulations ....[/#000000]
[center]There is plenty enough blaim to go around, yet no one will stand up and fix it....[Image: yell.gif]
[quote wiperhunter2]
A little over one year ago:
1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) the unemployment rate was 4.5%.
4) the DOW JONES hit a record
high--14,000 +
5) American's were buying new
cars,taking cruises,vacations overseas, living large!...

But American's wanted 'CHANGE'! So, in 2006 they voted
in a Democratic Congress and yes--we got 'CHANGE' all right. In the PAST

1) Consumer confidence has plummeted ;
2) Gasoline is now over $4 a gallon &
climbing!; [/quote]

Actually now $3.50/gallon and dropping. [angelic]

[quote wiperhunter2]
3) Unemployment is up to 5.5% (a 10%
4) Americans have seen their home equity
drop by $12 TRILLION
DOLLARS and prices still dropping;
5) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.
6) as I write, THE DOW is probing another
low~ ~

All the problems with the banks is not Congress' fault either. Some fault is due the greedy citizens who mortgaged more than they could afford and went into too much debt so they could have instant gratification with a big, nice house. But even more responsible are all the banks and mortgage brokers who, from the beginning, had no intention of holding onto the mortgages of their 'victims', and so allowed them to get, and misled them into believing they could afford, loans that were too much for them to afford in the long term. Since they knew they'd be selling the loan in a year (or in the case of my first mortgage, within 30 days), they didn't care if you couldn't meet your obligations.

Of course big investment banks also have some blame, investing too much in these very risky mortgage backed securities because the returns on them were so high at the time. Everyone stuck their heads in the sand and ignored the risks until it was too late, and now we're all affected.

All that being said, if you want to talk about a HUGE waste of taxpayer $$$, try the greater than $1 Trillion price tag on the war in Iraq! Now that is a 'bailout' we didn't need to fund, and was a mistake from the second we set foot in there. I voted for Kerry last election, and not because I thought he'd be any good, but because it was a vote against Bush - and that before his popularity dove down to like a 30% approval rate.

In this election, now, its just as bad. McCain seems bent on continuing Bush's foreign policy mistakes. Obama wants to ban handguns.

Might be time to vote for some obscure 3rd party. Hey I might even write in Mickey Mouse at this point. Couldn't be much worse than what we've got for Pres. for the last 15 1/2 years. [pirate][:/]
Perfectly said catman. There are alot of facters that played into the meltdown. We do need some new blood in congress and the senate, but we keep voting in the same peaple. Doesn't matter who wins this time around, the problem is two big for one man. We all have to pitch in to fix the problem. Never live above your means on credit and it won't turn around to bite you later. I was told not to pay off my house, but I did anyway. Now where is that guy at the bank? Need to find him for some more great advice. [:p]
There is only one problem. We are over taxed.

People could not afford to live the way they were with the government taking so much in taxes. They were forced to re-finance ever year to take the equity out of their house so that they could make up for a shortage of income caused by high taxes.

Taxes to spend on road camera's and the people who install, monitor and repair them. Taxes to spend on repaving roads that do not need repaving. Taxes to give out for research on the sex habits of crickets. Taxes spent on new cars, new trucks, new tractors and tools before the old ones are worn out. Taxes spent on entitlements for government workers.
We may or may not be overtaxed. I believe that is beside the point. For 90% of the population, the following holds true:

It's not how much money you make (net or gross), but it's how much money you spend that determines your financial well being.

I watched a segment of Oprah with my wife yesterday. They had two families on there. One made about $95,000 per year and had 2 kids. The other made $49,000 a year, and had 4 kids. One of them had $79,000 in savings. The other was on the brink of financial collapse. Do you know which was which?

The family that made $49,000 was the one that had the $79,000 in savings. They lived within their means, carefully budgeted, were creative in how they could save money, and lived debt free. They still did plenty together as a family, went to the beach often, did lots of fun stuff that didn't cost lots of money.

The family that made $95,000 actually was really suffering. They used to make 40% more than that, but the wife had lost her job, so suddenly they were (only) making 95k with her husband's salary. They had several credit cards, spent all kinds of money eating out all the time, buying department store clothes, etc. They were suddenly facing the possibility of losing their home and racking up serious credit card debt.

The show had the first family help the second one learn how to budget and spend responsibly so that their $ out were not more than their $ in. They actually shaved $2000 per month out of the spending of this family!

Yes, the government also can be a huge waster of money -- our tax dollars -- but unless you're below the poverty line and can't even meet basic needs, most often it's your own fault if you're not financially sound.
My wife made me sit through that as well. Oprah didn't tell us anything we hadn't done for years. My friends call me the cheap swede. So be it. I still fish on my own boat every weekend.
every year the wealthy get tax breaks,

but look at this, the middle class and poverished get a tax hike... every year....

you want proof.....

every year the cost of living goes up... has in my fifty years.

yet every year we are paying the same tax scale... wich means a tax hike... the middle class if lucky gets a cost of living increase in their pay, wich puts them in to a higher tax bracket, one that dose not change from year to year.

the poverished face the same problem in reverce, the dont get a cost of living increase in thier pay, and the cost of living still goes up, and the tax bracket stays the same... wich means they are paying more taxes per capita...

I say if the cost of living goes up 16% a year then the tax brackets should go up as well...

any family making under 15k a year should not be paying taxes at all, at least not to the federal gov... they offer no assistance at all to those people...

I hear talk about raising personal tax exemptions from 3 to 5 or 7 k, depending on who you vote for, well guess what? that is just no real help those living in poverty. ok some of them may get to keep an extra 500.oo a year of their pay checks, how dose that help when the cost of getting back and forth to work when up from 400 pr month to 950 per month?

what that comes to is like saying someone dipped their fingers in the pool and splattered you with a couple dropplets of water and gave you a bath....

there is deffenantly a nead for a reality check here... these polititions have lost thier minds, they have lived so high on the hog for so long they are out of touch with reality...

I say these guys should have to go a year or 5 with out a pay check so they can understand what it is they are doing... ;they need to go with out our tax dollar paid health plan for them and see how long they last before body parts start shutting down...

these polititions need to live in homes where there is inadiquate water, heat, shelter, schooling, crime protection, fire protection, emergency care protection, desaster protection....

Where is FEMA?
from the top of the mississippi to the bottom of the golf there are are disasters this year alone...

I would like to say I am fed up with them, but its my skills at fishing and hunting keeping me fed....[shocked]

When the government steps in to save the rich from them selves by giving them money for exagerating the value of their stocks and watching the forgien market dump those worthless stocks back into the laps of those companies they originated from is sheer criminal and they should all be put in jail for it....

[center]Its called
[center]Defrauding America !
[left]I will get off my soap box now..[angelic]
that is so true... so true,

the Sad part is there are families out there that dont make 9 thousand a year.... [Image: sleepy.gif][pirate]

in the last 10 years the only paying job I could get is an unpaid volunteers job picking up papers in a city park. And guess what, I am taking a job away from a criminal who needs comunity service hours to get out of jail early...

I like every one else am living on the value of the home.. that cant go on for ever....

the avarage family is now 5 to 50 years in debt.

I like every one else should I find the courage to crawl under the floor boards of my house and dont go any where or eat I can be paid off in 10 years...[laugh] ya like that is ever going to happen...[angelic]
this year I did not even pull the boat out of the water, and I havent gone fishing since the first week of may....

talk about being cheep...!!!!

the price of gas to go in to town once a week has eaten up more than my allowances...

I was raised on a farm with virtualy no income, we learned to harvest what we could from the land. no one said a word about things would ever get better, and by god they were right...[Wink]
in case you did not hear in the primary debates,

both sides have agreed no matter who is elected, the us code, "entitlements" would be changed.

they plan on making sure the surviving spouces of those who worked for the government will still be able to live the good life after the said politition dies keeping the full retirement benifits...

Like they cant buy stocks and property and fringes from thier own election campains... "yes they are paid employees of thier election commities"[shocked] or didnt ya know that?

that is why hillery is in campain debt... she paid herself befor paying her other campain employees...