This is a great first buck that my my buddy Mckay took with a TC Omega during the northern muzzy season. It only took one shot, at 250 yards away I was amazed he actually hit it. I thought there was not a chance. It was a good time he was packing 100 gr pyrodex pellets and throwing a green tiped powerbelt.
I don't know where the pics are! I am a Rookie at this usually I'm just a reader. Trying to get into the posting part. Any help would be great.! I did attch them and up load them.
250 yards with a muzzle loader is heck of a shot, congrats to the young man. I have a hard time hitting them that far with a scoped rifle. [:/]
They seem to be there for me. I just have to click on the link at the bottom of your post. If you want them in the body, you need to check in the "inline" button when you upload them, then in the body of your text, click on the little picture at the top of the edit bars, select inline, and then you can select the pic you want to be in the body.
That's very cool. Looks like he got it at last light too.