Fishing Forum

Full Version: Take a DAV Fishing update
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I finely found some one who could put me in touch with the DAV's who want to go fishing...

I got a hold of the Rec Therapist at the VA hospital and after talking with them they said with what they have already planned for this fall it would just be too much for such short notice...

But they ask if we would like to do this next summer in July or Aug. time frame so all the details could be worked out, just off the top of there head had 15 to 20 DAV's who would love to fish...

I have three who said would like to be on the committee we need two or three more..

This is going to be a lot of fun work, at this time it looks like we will need to pick a lake that will fish good for about 15 to 40 boats, The best one I know of is the Berry at this time...We need to pick a date, time to meet at the lake, and much more that is why we need at least two more who can help...

And we could use some one who can work the computer to look up things...
Send me a PM if you want on the committee and post your picks for the lake and date you think could work...

Thank you..
Cliff, unfortunately I don't have the time to help with organization, but want to make sure you have me listed as helping with the program. I have a 21' center console that I could accommodate at least four fishermen or even a wheelchair.
Thats great, I want to waite till we have a date and place before I ask for those who have boats and can help in that way...