How long tell the spawn is over.I would like to go down there before ice up and try my luck on some long lining.
It would be real nice to catch a couple in one weekend,of course they would live to swim another day!
I would like to go scuba diving and take some under water photos of these old fish.Now that would be cool.
how was the numbers of geese and ducks using the lake this year too.
Thanks for any info.
Lots of ducks and Geese on the lake when I was spearfishing there... I wonder if it would be legal to take a duck from underwater if I had all my stamps and liscenses??? Food for thought.
Good luck...
Thanks for your reply,in years past there has been more than average using the lake and it can be great hunting if you can get into the right area's.most to shallow to take a big boat into.
I dont know if you could spearfish ducks and geese but I would think it would pretty easy and not much of a challenge to do so,It would be like slushing ducks off the water which to me is not ethical. I have been fishing at fish lake for 5-6 yrs now and have never caught a fish even close to what you guys posted.I would really like to and take a photo and release the monster for someone else to catch another day.I dont eat trout of any kind.
My thought on the whole issues is this,I think that if you wouldn't have fished it while the fish where spawning the out turn would have been different with fewer big fish killed,I have to say I was upset just because I know I will never get a shot at catching these big fish and neither will my boys.I'm not sikened by the pictures as other have stated that they are but more disappionted that they where so big.if the world record mack was two pounds taken by the spear than it easily could have been brocken by a ten pounder.
Anyway thanks for the reply good fishing.
later fnf.
The topline bite should be on about November 1, watch the weather up there, some days you'll get blown off and wish you werent there. Gotta love the rapala countdown in natural colors...
Thanks Chris,I hear you we have been up there as early as Oct 4 and wished I wasn't there.It can be unbearable when it decides to get going to make it up there around that time frame?
Shotguns of 10ga or less and archery only.
Think you can distinguish between a scaup and a canvasback from under water? Shovler and Mallard?
Waterfowl rules usally are specific about which ducks and how many of each you may have in your limit. Really hard to do when you can se the feathers, bout impossible underwater where you may only be able to see the feet and what color they are.
I'm shooting for October 25th and 26th right now, but also November 10th, i plow snow in the winter (fall/spring/summer) so anything could change but i'm about 99% sure i'll be there on the 25th.