Do You Hunt Turkey in Your State?
if not dose your state have a turkey planting or introduction program?
If ya hunt them out of state your welcome comment.
Flaggirl and Thunderboy both got their tags for the spring hunt !!
wow, I bet they are excited....
I remember I was when I got my first put and take phesant tag when I was their age...
we didnt have a reg phesant season in mich back then, we had to enter a draw for it,
ly there are fewer phesants now and we have a reg season on them.. on the other side ring necks arent native to north america and are planted yearly... the turkies how ever are native, and I have seen more turkies that I could shoot at than I can see pheasants in the wild for the last 10 years...
Hello Dave and Flag,
Turkey hunting is always something I wanted to try, but have never had the opportunity. The hardest part for me is the fact that I live farther north than the turkeys and I really don't have access to a place to go in southern MN. Someday if the turkeys start traveling north, I will go. It sure does sound like fun and it would be fun just to go hunting in the spring.
Thundrrboy was the only one that hunted , and shot a dandy !! Wish I knew how to post pics !!
If you can upload the photos in to your PC, the hard part is done,
When making a post or reply on your regular board,
[ul][li]click on the browse button under the posting window.[/li][li]locate you pic [/li][li]then click on upload attatchment.[/li][/ul]
that will get the photo in the bottom of your post and we can click on it to see it.
Congrats on the successfull hunt. Will look forward to seeing the photos.