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Full Version: Oregon and Washington commissions lead new Columbia River catch sharing group
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SALEM, Ore. - Oregon and Washington fish and wildlife commissions are leading a joint advisory group to develop recommendations on catch sharing for two popular Columbia River salmon fisheries. The first public meeting to begin developing recommendations is in Vancouver, Wash., on Sept. 15.

The new Columbia River Fish Working Group will meet from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the southwest regional office of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2108 Grand Boulevard.

The group's first charge is to develop a new plan for sharing harvest opportunities for spring and summer chinook salmon between sport and commercial fisheries in the lower Columbia River. The plan is due in mid-November. In December, commissions from both states will vote on a catch-sharing agreement.

Three fish and wildlife commissioners from each state will serve as voting members of the advisory group. Non-voting advisors will include up to six citizen representatives from each state.

The group's three voting members from the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission are Skip Klarquist, Jon Englund and Dan Edge. Non-voting representatives from the department are Curt Melcher, ODFW deputy director, and Steve Williams, ODFW fish division deputy director.

Four Oregon advisors have been chosen to serve on the group. Those advisors are:

* Jack Glass, of Troutdale, a professional fishing guide and a board member of the ODFW Restoration and Enhancement Program.

* Dave Eng, of Clackamas, is an avid recreational angler and works for Frank Amato Publishing.

* Bruce Buckmaster, of Astoria, works in the commercial fishing industry.

* Brian Tarabochia, of Astoria, is a commercial fisherman and fish buyer.