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Full Version: 700 lunker trout in two days--really!
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I have been hearing great rumors about Rufus Woods Reservoir for a couple of years. the lake is on the Columbia, near Spokane. It would be about the same length of drive as Boise to Henry's. I just found a web site that gives reports from fishermen, similar to this site. It is worth looking at. The fish run to 11 pounds + regularly, and 5-6 pounders are common. Here is how to get to the reports: Go to Check on "reports". Then click on "read reports". Next, click on "freshwater lake reports". Then click on "r" on the alphabet, than go to page 2. Click on "Rufus Woods", and then "reports". You will see that the title of this post is accurate, believe it or not. The fishing is slowest in the warmer months, and fall, winter, and early spring seem to be major producers. Mike
There are definitely some nice fish in this area. I am headed up there with a group on Dec5th-6th. It can be a little tough to locate them at times but once you do it can be well worth it....not big numbers of fish but the ones you do catch are NICE friend hit a 14# last year.
I moved from there 5 years ago, we lived in Grand Coulee for about 8 years. I worked for the tribe for a while and that road along that stretch of Rufus Woods was one of many that I helped maintain for the roads dept. I also just happen to be a tribal member.

Rufus is indeed awesome for lunkers, though it has it's ups and downs. If I remember right, it is a two fish limit and if you use bait you must keep the fish. Artificial bait you can release until you get your 2 big fish limit, which most people try to do. I've seen ton's of 6-7 pounders released so they could catch bigger fish. The best fishing is by the net pens, which has a public area. A tribal permit is required also, but I believe it's not from a boat.
That whole area is awesome, Banks Lake, Lake Roosevelt and Rufus Woods are all right there. Most people who visit stay in Grand Coulee (above the Dam) or Coulee City (below the Dam). Walleye fishing is awesome in all three lakes, and of course, so is the bass fishing.
I have a ton of info in my head and much more as far as web links about that fishing. The tribe has some neat little lakes in there where you can catch 19" brookies.

So if anyone plans on making the trip or has questions, just ask, I should be able to help with just about anything or at least point you in the right direction.
Thanks, EZOP. I am not so naive as to think that everybody does as well as the crew that caught the 700 fish. Interesting, though, how they do it, with a "fish pellet" fly. Weird, huh. I think I will somehow work Rufus into my future plans. Thank again for the info offer, and I will certainly make a note of it. Also, glad to see you had another great year at Brownlee. Mike