Framing out a basement... A/c pipes go all the way across the basement. I want to move the compressor to a new location. Is this something I can do? Anyone here want to do the work in trade for some fishing stuff? I have some high end poles and mid level reels... Maybe an outboard 9.9 hp kicker... Need something ASAP.
I'm sure you know [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=fshslyer36"]fshslyer[/url] does AC work but I can't say if he would be interested. You might have to contact him if no one else responds. Does the 9.9 motor have electric start?
You can't move it yourself unless your are certified! I have most of the tools, except a torch, and a recovery unit (if needed). If you can't find anyone else, let me know and I'll come take a look.
Thanks for the input everyone. I contacted fishslyr and he took care of me. Great guy to work with, highly reccomend him. Thank you!!
Thanks Jeremy im glad i could take care of you [