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Full Version: Jordanelle if you know what your doing..
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Well I got on the water at 7:45 and headed for the spots I knew would hold bass...

The air temp. was 53 and the water was 53.7 little to no wind, just right for good fishing...

By the time I hit my third good spot I had a total of O bass and was looking around to see if I was really on Jordanelle...

It was 9:50 when I got my first fish (a trout) on one of my best spots and no bass yet, well I got my first bass at 11:41 and by 12:30 I had two more all under 12"...

This kind of thing only happens when you think you have a lake wired but forgot to tell the fish...

I ended the day at 2:00 with wind and total of 5 bass the biggest at 13 3/8" and only two over 12" and 10 or 11 trout one being a brown about 18" long but real skinny it looked like a hammer handle....

The way the water is dropping it looks like it is lower now then last year at this time I hope they get the dam at deer creek fixed soon...
Maybe you should venture away from Jordanelle for once and head North to one of my Honey Holes!!![Wink] Posted a couple reports over the weekend!!!
I have been gone all weekend, where is your honey hole and maybe I'll try it..