I'm near to starting fishing again after retiring, buying a house, and moving to the other side of the country.
I'm wanting to upgrade my tube to a toon so that I can float the little red and harass some brown trouts. Small problem with transporting anything bigger than a tube though. I drive a Miata. Roof racks are out and trunk space doesn't exist. There was a post last year (I think) about a contraption that fit into a reciver hitch and held a toon vertical behind the car. I have dredged through pages of old stuff and can't seem to find it. Does anybody remeber who sells the things?
I don't know if it'll work without a tailgate to block the wind though...
Roof rack would look cool! I considered such a thing for an Elise if I were to get one...
I think you'd be better served with a small trailer if you're going to have a hitch anyway...
The web site has pictures of it used with an audi, so wind probably isn't a problem as long as you have enough horses under the hood. A trailer is also under consideration, but they come with manuverability issues, I know, I used to have a 24' Fiberform.
I can just imagine the looks I'll get... top down with a toon sticking up behind the little yellow bomb. [
I am not the expert here, and I am sure more experienced tooners will pipe up soon.. but .. I live in Ca.. and everday I see a wide variety of surfboards etc being transported in a lot of different way.. in pickups..on the back of cars .. on the roof... etc.. if its set up right (to decrease resistance).. then you should be able to transport with a minimum problem..
Larry, I am betting there is wind resistance for sure. We notice it even in our truck with the toon on top, so I am betting that easy mount could be a nightmare on a small car. I don't know first hand, but I know of two cases where the wind has even taken the Pontoon off the roof. In my brother in-laws case, he had a Durango, and the wind not only pulled his boat off the roof, but ripped the roof brackect (stock on the Durango) off as well. The boat weighed around 40 lbs.
I would opt for the trailer myself. I drive a Suzuki Grand Vitara.
I have to stand corrected here (told you Im the newbie).. I went back and looked at the miata. .. and from what I can see.. unless major mods are done.. and even then it would be shakey.. I cant see a way to safely transport a toon on that size of car.. maybe a small car type of trailer would work better..
How about a up close picture or two of your trailer[
well the Rocky is a small suv type vehicle.. and the Miata is a sports car style.. so I can see where the Rocky would work better.. when I first posted I was thinking of mods to something like a heavy duty bike rack.. with a second piece angled toward the car.. or the rack itself.. that way you could strap the toon to the main rack and strap the other half to the chasis of the car.. I know .. sounds kind of weird.. just a thougt is all.
Sure Michael.
At first we had a bracket welded on the front for batteries, but made the
too heavy, so we bolted the metal tubing to the middle of the trailer on top of the wheels. It is very easy to move, and the boats sit right on top so they can't fly off.
In the picture there is one set of the square tubing support for second pontoon. They slide into the brackets on the trailer, BUT, we another set that slides in the first set to haul 3 boats.
The trailer is a modified Harbor Freight fold in half trailer
So do you mean the rack for the third toon slides into the first rack? Any pics of that?
Yes, but no pictures and it is winterized right now, sorry.
Thanks anyway[
So did you go to the next size smaller on the tubing or put another slide-in bracket on the side of the first? I am looking at modifying mine and have a friend who is building a trailer who is interested in carrying 3 toons, so any help is appreciated.
I have got to get some pictures of this trailer cause it is really well done.
The second risers are the same size tubing, but on size smaller was welded inside and sticks out about 6". I drilled a hole through both and use a clip, but I tie the boats to the frame so it really isn't going anywhere.
I would like to put about a foot high side around the who thing so I would have to tie down the bottom boat, plus the oars.
Thanks that helps alot.