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No takers last Thursday, so lets try it one more time.

I'm heading up to Strawberry tomorrow (Friday) morning. I have room on my boat for two people. You'll need to PM me with your phone number ASAP, because I will be leaving for work about 6:30 PM, and heading fro SB after work. Fred K.
[cool]hey wiper junkie, my dad would love to fish with ya tomorrow. i am going with old coot , my dad wants to see what big fish is all about .call me [#ff4040]*************[/#ff4040]

[#008000]I edited out your personal phone number on Sunday 10/26/08. Please use the PM function for sending personal information.

hey wiper_junkie-
what's up, bud? I am new to Utah (3 years now) and have really fallen in love with the Berry. I've been paying to rent boats at Strawberry Marina and usually fishing by myself. I've been relatively successful as I have a portable fish finder and a Minnkota I put on the back. But Brett Prettyman from the Salt Lake Tribune Outdoors section told me to check out this site and I'd probably be able to meet someone looking for a partner. I'm willing to give up $40 for gas to get a spot in your boat, especially if you know what you are doin.' I am still learning everyday out there, so I can't say I do yet. But I'm 40, single, and have fished all over the world. I won't hook you. [Smile] My cell number is [#ff4040]*************[/#ff4040]

[#008000]I edited out your personal phone number on Sunday 10/26/08. Please use the PM function for sending personal information.

That last reply was my first time doing anything on this site. i really want to spend a lot of time on strawberry in november. unfortunately it seems like they stop renting boats just when the fishing gets good.

call me up wiper_ junkie.

i'm a monday-friday 8-5pm worker, but saturdays and sundays i'm on the water. I could call in maybe once or twice this fall though because i have the time off to take...... let's talk.
kazman welcome to the Utah forum of BFT. Feel free to post your information on the "Fishing invites" thread at the top of this page. I and others look for fellow anglers to join us on Strawberry and elsewhere from time to time.