After 3 years of fishing Salmon Falls Creek Res. I have finally figured out how to catch the Big Walleye!! We have been averaging 1 30inch plus fish a trip. Fishing has also been good for big trout many are over 20" Get out there before winter sets in." the fish are biting."
Amazing fish. I know some guys that travel to Canada for walleye and don't catch eyes like that. I have recently started fishing Oakley and caught a 28 incher. I am pretty sure it was luck more than anything. Any tips on techniques for a beginner walleye fisherman.
Thanks for the report and I am looking forward to the day I get one of those while I am in my toon and either on the a spinning rod or my fly rod. You could PM me with all your secrets[

] Maybe someday we could even meet. I usaully fish Big Sand Bay.
Superslam nice fish from Oakley!!! I would fish Oakey more often but i just hate the road and the dust going in. As for tips on catching the big boys use large baits( do you remember how big the mouth was on your 28" (HUGE) they eat good. Also I catch most of the big fish in 6-3 feet of water. Also pay attention to bait fish colors I stay away from chartruse/flo orange all those hot colors they seem to like naturals perch/and trout paterns. Hope this helps good luck!!!
I would say that I was jealous but that would be an understatement. Nice fish, I plan on making it to Idaho this spring for some 'eyes.
Thanks for the reply. You can PM if you want, but did you catch them trolling or jigging? My big one was caught jigging.
You call those big walleyes? Do I have to bring the wife up there to show you what a BIG walleye is? [

] Just kidding guys. Awsome fish.
If the trip to Starvation dosn't come together I may just point the GMC north and give you guys a call.
I'll know by tonight.
Leave those little

y blades at home and bring the big cranks. If you make the trip PM me and I will tell you where the hot banks are.

] Tell Deb Hi
aka Germanlabweiler
Trying to get my friend Gary to come up with me. Does the store at Rogersons have rooms for rent? Have you got a phone # for the store?
I've got to get up to Salmon dam. The walleye waters around here are dead.
Any advice on where to fish would be appreciated. Showing me would be better [

] That is if I can keep up with that rocket you call a walleye boat.
I'll be in touch.
So, does Salmon Falls still have a ramp/dock this time of year? Thanks for any info. Mike
I have the # 208-655-4277. Sorry I don't know about any rooms available there, but the closest place for rooms would probably be Jackpot, Nevada.
John are u still catching walleye on Salmon Falls Res. ??