10-25-2008, 12:57 AM
My business partner and I managed to get to Strawberry this morning early- we were sitting in the boat waiting to get enough light to fish by. Temp was a cool 16 degrees. We fished the southern end and caught 19 using pointer minnows - ghost colors in 78sp size tossed into water so shallow we'd pucker and see our $15.00 going down the drain each time we casted. Fortunately we didn't lose any, but did have to make a couple of fish net retrievals. After the sun got on the water we switched to 4" white tube jigs with 3/8 oz walleye jig heads and caught another 29 faaat cuts before we left just before noon. Water temp is down to around 45. Most fish we jigged up were suspended from 8-12 feet, so the breeze in combination with the light jig heads and just enough line out produced a consistent bites, we probably missed another 15 or 20 fish. Great day, going again tomorrow - get out while the water is soft.