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Full Version: Boulder Mountain Beware!!! - Steve Stoner on the loose!!!
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I fished Boulder Mountain yesterday and had a great time fishing; however, I had a very unpleasant experience with Steve Stoner.

If any of you don't know Steve Stoner, Steve is a self-proclaimed fishing guide on Boulder Mountain. His web page is:

Steve harassed myself as well as my two friends. Of course we didn't back down to his harassment or tactics but it were upsetting to me.

I have fished the Boulder since I was a kid and have never met someone with such a sense of entitlement.

Anyways, when I am not fishing, I practice law. I have never actually sued anyone for myself, but I am considering it today!!! I viewed many of Steve Stoner's actions illegal and problematic.

I checked with the DNR to inquire about outfitter and guide regulations. I was unware of fact that in Utah you do not need a license, bond, or other form of insurance to be a guide.

If any of you have had similar experiences with Steve Stoner, please send me a private message. If any of you want to sing Steve Stoner's praises, please wait a week!!

Thank you in advance for your responses.
Steve Stoner seems to have some serious mental issues...I am sorry you had to deal with him! Sue him...I wish I could help you out.
What did he do?

And more importantly, how was the fishing and where are the pictures?

I wish I was fishing up there last week - lucky!
Any individual using the USFS land for commercial business needs a use permit from the forest service. I think the regional office is in Loa or Bicknell. If he is operating without one he is in violation of federal law. The USFS is where I would start.[reply][/reply]
Good to see you got up there and sorry about what happened. I have friends who went up there when roughin it outdoors was filming with him and they had blocked the road and told them they couldnt go into the lake!! MESSES UP!!
How was the fishing. I made it up to the lake you helped me find in June and it was fish after fish is that deeper section. Thanks for the advice and help. Good luck in your endeavors creative colorful language removed.[angelic]
I can second your opinion about Steve Stoner. The guy is completely nuts and has no business taking clients out. Hell the locals in Boulder cant stand the guy. Yes he knows how to fish but he is a complete @#$!

Ask PBH about him or pm me for more information. If you are filing a complaint i want in for sure. Worste 750.00 i ever spent!
Anyone with the name "Steve Stoner" needs to be beat, sounds like the guy has been smoking a little too much of the hippie lettuce or something. Any guide that tries to be a hard A@# and intimidate law-abiding citizens needs to be fined and then horse whipped.....
oh man hippie lettuce!! i laughed so hard i poot'ed!
if he did something. he should be held accountable. so if you do nothing. you reinforce how he shows up. file it!!!! even if you loose he cant counter sue... cost him some time and money. he wont want that to happen again. next time take your side arm. most asses wont even open their mouth.[fishin]
I am just curious to what happened....I have been wanting to fish those lakes for a long time, but lack of information has kept me from going up there. Will a 2WD truck make it on the dirt roads, I heard they are pretty harry.
[quote CROSSINEYES]inext time take your side arm.[/quote]

Oh sure, that will definitely make the situation better!

Stoner has issues. It's not just the "law abiding citizens" that he harasses. It's his clients as well!

The guy has got to be bi-polar. He's had numerous complaints from his clients to the DWR. Unfortunately, like Mckell mentioned, in Utah you do not have to be licensed to be a fishing guide.

I don't have any personal experiences with Stoner. I do know about numerous problems he's created for anglers on the Boulder. It would be nice to see the guy disappear.
File a complaint
Am I the only one that thinks its funny that an attorney goes fishing, has a local swear at him, then the attorney has his feelings hurt and considers filing a lawsuit??!!

Who ever heard of a fishing trip turning into a potential court case because somebody swore at somebody?????
Steve Stoner......Now here is a topic. "Bi-polar" a total under statement. At the risk of Steve Stoner the guide going deliverence high up in the Boulder mountains, my wife and I bore arogance beyond words, sarcasm, and intimidation to the point that after 3 hours of crap my wife put down her rod.

To show me up, Steve Stoner the guide and me the client, cut the fly off of my line and told me that he could catch fish standing on one leg on rock with his eyes closed. Well, he did it time and time again. At one point pulling the fish out of the water, taking them off the hook, and then throwing the fish over his shoulder. He did this magnificant feet by snagging everyone of the fish in a large hole right off the bank. Wow, what a skilled display of what flyfishing isn't. This went on and on.

He may not need a license to guide but, DWR of Utah snagging fish is illeagal, period.

There is a code of conduct among fly fishermen. Stoner, broke all the rules, as a guide and as a gentleman.

If this passes your eyes Mr. Stoner, there is more than one way to hold a fish for a picture, snagging is illegal, snagging is illegal, I caught all my fish in the mouth (and I caught alot of fish), shout out to the DWR of Utah snagging is illeagal, and please don't send me a Christmas card.
I'm sorry you had such a bad time with this stoner. He sounds like a real piece of work. Any luck, he'll take up cougar hunting and the dogs will turn on him for kicking one of them.

As a charter signing member of the NY Outdoor Guides Association,(NYSOGA) ( [url ""][/url] I am appauled at the comments being made on this guide and would like to ask you all a few questions.

Where did you learn of this guide and how did you hire him?
If you investigated several guides for this trip, what made you decide on this guide?

I have often thought about guiding again, in Utah, If I did I would like to form another guides association here to help prevent just this kind of thing.

Oh and welcome to the board, hope you post often.
So what ever happend to this piece of $h?t