11-01-2008, 10:16 AM
Updated by Pat on October 31st, 2008
STRIPED BASS - It ain't near over although the weather might seem like
its time to pack it in. The mouth of the Connecticut River is good with
schoolies and a few medium sized bass.Casting along Great Island and the
surrounding banks with surface lures and leaded jigs has been
productive.The mouth of both North and South Coves have schoolies of the
smaller size. Reports from the reefs has been scant this week due to
winds. Theres plenty of baitfish at Montauk and Plum Gut and the
suspicion is that theres more blues than bass under them.
The shore action along the Rhode island beaches has slowed since the
weekend. After all the daytime activity we saw this fall don't give up
because you don't see the same this week, the game along the shore is
still nights.
BLUEFISH - They're fat and sassy. Some of these blues are shaped more
like tuna than blues, a good indicator of baitfish. The Connecticut
River still has blues munching on the bunker and being caught on chunks
of the same from Saybrook Point and the DEP Piers. Boat casting in the
River has been productive along Great Island and Ragged Rock Creek. Long
Sand Shoal has some slammers if you can get there. Theres been no news
from the Race or Gut but they're still a safe bet.
BONITO, FALSE ALBACORE - No reports this week.
BLACKFISH- An uptick in this weeks activity with many anglers
reporting limit catches. Most good reports are still coming from
shallower waters with few specifics on spots. We can determine that
Hatchetts and Bartletts have been slow and inner Southwest has picked up.
1st Place Mike Kraemer 12.20 lbs
2nd Joe Buckie 9.70 lbs
3rd Frank Maloney 9.40 lbs
SEMINARS- We're starting to plan for some seminars and workshops this
winter. We'd like to get some input and ideas from you. Let us know what
you'd like to see this winter.
BONEFISH- Again we're traveling to Acklins Island in the Bahamas next
February to chase bonefish on some pretty awesome flats with some of the
best guides in the Bahamas. We have just one opening left, if you would
like to join us for a mid winter break call Pat at 860-388-2283.
STRIPED BASS - It ain't near over although the weather might seem like
its time to pack it in. The mouth of the Connecticut River is good with
schoolies and a few medium sized bass.Casting along Great Island and the
surrounding banks with surface lures and leaded jigs has been
productive.The mouth of both North and South Coves have schoolies of the
smaller size. Reports from the reefs has been scant this week due to
winds. Theres plenty of baitfish at Montauk and Plum Gut and the
suspicion is that theres more blues than bass under them.
The shore action along the Rhode island beaches has slowed since the
weekend. After all the daytime activity we saw this fall don't give up
because you don't see the same this week, the game along the shore is
still nights.
BLUEFISH - They're fat and sassy. Some of these blues are shaped more
like tuna than blues, a good indicator of baitfish. The Connecticut
River still has blues munching on the bunker and being caught on chunks
of the same from Saybrook Point and the DEP Piers. Boat casting in the
River has been productive along Great Island and Ragged Rock Creek. Long
Sand Shoal has some slammers if you can get there. Theres been no news
from the Race or Gut but they're still a safe bet.
BONITO, FALSE ALBACORE - No reports this week.
BLACKFISH- An uptick in this weeks activity with many anglers
reporting limit catches. Most good reports are still coming from
shallower waters with few specifics on spots. We can determine that
Hatchetts and Bartletts have been slow and inner Southwest has picked up.
1st Place Mike Kraemer 12.20 lbs
2nd Joe Buckie 9.70 lbs
3rd Frank Maloney 9.40 lbs
SEMINARS- We're starting to plan for some seminars and workshops this
winter. We'd like to get some input and ideas from you. Let us know what
you'd like to see this winter.
BONEFISH- Again we're traveling to Acklins Island in the Bahamas next
February to chase bonefish on some pretty awesome flats with some of the
best guides in the Bahamas. We have just one opening left, if you would
like to join us for a mid winter break call Pat at 860-388-2283.