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I would much prefer to see those funds go to strength the sport fishing industry of Utah Lake as due to its proximity to the population centers of Utah it could definitely produce an increase in the sport fishing and the revenues generated from these activites (to both the public and private sectors).
I would say that they should treat the lake as a sport fishery and do all that is possible to generate an angler and family friendly lake with some wakeless areas for fishing. Saving the June sucker is definitely not the answer to this warm water lake that could provide habitat for many warm water fish - walleye, musky, bass, catfish, sunfish, bluegill and crappie.
The state needs to move beyond the June Sucker issue and see the lake as an asset that if treated properly can have a much greater positive impact on the area than the june sucker can possibly hope for....a nice marina, removal of carp, 2M planted fish....will bring MUCH MORE enjoyment and value to the area than will the june sucker.
Let's look at it this way....if it was a privately owned lake what would be being done with it?
What would voters "say" if they were given the two options above and knew their tax dollars were going to be spent either way? Well - then it is time to start removing carp, building a marina and planting fish!!!