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[cool]Article in the Tribune this morning.

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It's about dam time![Wink] Now lets have a good winter and fill that bad boy up!
Now I hope they full both Deer and Jordanelle up so we can have some great fishing again...
Yahoo !!! I'm with bassrods on this one, fill deer creek pleaseeee, so I can get back to my walleye fishing.
later chuck
[cool][#0000ff]The walleyes have been in there waitin' fer ya. You just don't fish them right in the lower water. The spearfishin' guys got lots of big wallies last summer. Here is a pic of two from the end of June '08...including one that went over 16 pounds. The other was over 14 pounds.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Not trying to start any more spearfishing controversy here. They did it legal and there are plenty of fish in there, so please nobody start whackin' on those guys again. Just wanted to show what was available for anglers who figure out the fish. Lots of bigguns came to the H&L crowd this year too. But, you cain't ketch 'em if you don't fish 'em.[/#0000ff]
TD how does the fishing do during the ice and what are my chances of a wally? Didn't have time to make it to starvation this year.
[quote lov2fish]TD how does the fishing do during the ice and what are my chances of a wally? Didn't have time to make it to starvation this year.[/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]You can do great on walleyes in Utah through the ice. First, stop at the bait shop and buy several dozen nice 3 inch live minnows. YEAH, RIGHT.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have caught walleyes through the ice in Utah, but mostly by accident. When I go for them specifically, I usually smell skunk...or catch other fish by accident. Your best bet is to rig for big perch, with larger lures and a nice fresh piece of perch meat. Then, once you find where the larger perch are hanging out...usually near some small "feeder" at least have a chance that a walleye will wander by and sample your offering.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The walleyes in Deer Creek act like those in most other lakes. They go deep...following the schools of yearling perch or other forage species. Sometimes they just find a nice deep hole and snooze for days, right on the bottom, without moving a fin. Obviously, anything you fish in shallower water ain't gonna do much good. But, when the stars line up right, and the fish get hungry, they will make feeding forays into shallower water and then you got a shot. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Yuba used to be about the only place I could score walleyes through the ice on a regular basis. But, in the good old days, anybody who COULDN'T catch walleyes in Yuba probably wasn't using a hook. For the last couple of years before the last big CRASHO the food was scarce and walleyes hit just about anything you dropped down. These days there are very few walleyes and waaaaaay too much food for them. They only feed for a few minutes at a time...maybe once a day...during the night...and then they dog it for the rest of the day. When they got a gut full of yummy baby perch they do not get very interested in carp food (worms). But, if you time it right or provoke a reaction bite with the right lure...right color, right can score one once in awhile.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In short, there aren't going to be many places within an easy drive of Salt Lake where you can count on icing a walleye. Actually, if Utah Lake freezes, it would probably be an even better bet than some of the others. Shallow, and takes "stealth mode", but there are some good fat walleyes iced there every year.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Anybody who claims to be able to catch walleyes anywhere, any time, will lie about other things too.[/#0000ff]
where on utah lake would you suggest to fish for walleye? [Smile]
[cool][#0000ff]If you are asking about ice fishing for them, the best areas are wherever the white bass are being caught. Walleyes tend to hang out near their food supply (white bass and perch). But, to catch the walleyes you can't hit the ice at noon and join the party group. You need to either be on the ice before daybreak or right at dark...when all of the other folks are not there. Drill your holes and then sit down and remain quiet. Walleyes are spooky in the shallow waters of Utah Lake. They will stay away from areas with a lot of activity on the ice.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Some guys drill a hole a ways away from their white bass spot and drop down a minnow or whole crawler. A chunk of fresh white bass meat can work well too. Just be sure to leave the bail open on your rod or secure it well. A big wallie or the occasional cat can make off with your rod if you are not watching. I like to leave the bail open and put a loop of line around an empty aluminum can. When a fish takes the bait, it tips the can over and you hear the sound. Then tiptoe quickly over to the rod, flip the bail, wait for the line to come tight and set the hook.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Some of the traditional best spots are inside the harbors...American Fork, Lindon and Provo. Look for the deeper areas or fish around the edges of the rocks or pilings. It can also be good off the rock ledges at Lincoln Beach and off the Knolls. It all depends on how high the water level is and when it freezes. Seems to be different every year.[/#0000ff]
I have been patiently awaiting for this to come back to full swing. I can't believe its already been 5 years! Luckily, Utah lake has kept me busy. Now, I just gotta convince myself to pass up UT Lake to go to deer creek. It will be a hard sell Smile
I was out to deer creek the other day and couldn't believe how low it was compared to where i was fishing on my boat. This is good news!

aarrrrgggg, I hope they at least ate them. thats a Sad sight to see, for me at least.
both of them look over the state record caught on rod and reel.
I don't know anything about the rules of spear fishing here in UT. but is there some kind of a limit to protect the big fish. something like 1 over 20in. with spear fishing coming up on the rise and getting more popular something needs to be done, or is there somthing already in place ?? for me, I would never eat or take a walleye over 25in. unless I'm going to put it on the wall, too much fat. later chuck
[cool][#0000ff]There are likely to be some minor modifications in the spearfishing regs for next year, but mostly as they pertain to Flaming Gorge burbot harvest...such as being able to use artificial light, etc. But, otherwise, don't look for anything special on walleye spearing. They will be restricted to the same size limits as hook and line angling.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I used to do a lot of spearfishing in salt water so I am somewhat knowledgeable and respectful of the sport. Most serious spearfishermen are probably even more "discriminating" in their harvest than the average angler. They enjoy the underwater adventure, and seeing all the fish in their natural element. Shooting a couple of large fish to show off...and then usually to just the final part of the whole experience. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]To me, the taking of the large walleyes is a two sided coin. On one side, removal of the largest fish from the gene pool is always a concern. On the other side (as you mentioned) those larger fish are definitely not the best table fare. And, many of the spearfishermen who hunt for the table are tuned in to that and shoot smaller fish if they are planning to eat them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I do not think spearfishing will ever be a contributing cause to any decline in walleye fishing on Deer Creek. Extreme water level fluctuations and poor food supply are much greater limiting factors for the numbers and sizes of the wallies. Spear fishermen do not harvest even a fraction of the numbers caught by anglers. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Many of their outings focus on shooting the numerous big carp in Deer Creek. I have seen pictures of some of the carp they bring in...huge fish and huge stacks of them for the group. Ditto for Starvation and Flaming Gorge. They doubtless remove far more of the big carp than anglers ever do. Too bad that Utah Lake is such poor visibility. They could have a lot of fun and make an impact there too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But, back to those giant walleyes. You and I both know that the biggest ones develop living and feeding habits that make them mostly unavailable to all but a select few (lucky) anglers. It is nice to dream about hooking and landing one of those big ol' bigguns, but the truth is that we never fish in the right the right time...with the right lures to have a shot at the very largest fish. With the exception of the time they are vulnerable on the spawning beds, the biggest fish are seldom seen or harvested by anglers. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But, we can always dream.[/#0000ff]
Real Sad killing those good reproducing females. What a shame, disgusting.
[quote mactuna]Real Sad killing those good reproducing females. What a shame, disgusting.[/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]That is the way most of us have been conditioned to believe. However, Deer Creek does not have any problem with walleye populations and losing some spawning females is probably better for the lake than worser.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I am surprised that the walleye have not crashed in Deer Creek, and would not be surprised to see them do so in the future. They keep the perch thinned down to almost extinction level and in bad spawn years for perch (like the last two) the walleye have to eat more trout and small bass to survive. And, the very biggest walleyes are the top predators in the lake. I would suspect that the two fish in that picture have enjoyed many a trout feast.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hopefully, with the dam repairs being completed Deer Creek can fill to the point that it floods the vegetation at the upper end. That will help the perch...and all other have a good spawn and recruitment. [/#0000ff]
man that made my guts hurt. [:/] dude is right very few ever hook into those fish. 3 times a yr they are vonarrable now and right before spawning sumemer full moons. chuck is 1 of the only guys i know to hook 1 of the real giant eyes in dc in the last 10 yrs. where did you find that dc info from the spear fishing dude? ken[fishin]

I'll have to keep an eye out for regulation changes on spearfishing. I too used to spearfish in Hawaii so I do know what it's all about, it's a blast. down about 40 feet peaking around rock piles and reefs, it's way fun.
I just couldn't see killing those big walleyes. I have hard core fished deer creek for walleyes for over 15 years, and I have had 3 giants hooked and lost them all. 2 I never seen and 1 was a total monster. loossing them is another storie. I do know they are in there just wish I could hook them a little more often.
yea you are right about spearfishing not hurtting the population of walleye just the population of really big ones. It's kinda like deer hunting, you get to pick and choose. Choose the big ones too much and you have a bunch of 2 points. later chuck
[cool][#0000ff]Here are a couple of links that give a better perspective of what the spearfishing guys are doing, and what kind of fish they are targeting.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Again, let's not start bashing these guys. By getting to know them better and understanding their sport, it is easier to co-exist on the same waters. And, if we disagree with any of the regulations, go to the RAC meetings and make yourself heard.[/#0000ff]
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aww man. now i realy am going to vommit. [frown] thanx for sharing it anyways. looks like they are taking alot of prime fish. not the best eaters? game on next yr boys!!!
I wish them the best of luck with the burbot and the carp.

I won't pass judgment on the walleye since I would be estatic if I picked up several of those guys that size.
dont mind them killing those fish at all myself. has anyone ever seen guys doing this up at dc? i think i did 1 time but i didnt know they were able to spear fish. what areas do we have to be carefull in so we dont motor around to fast to see their flags or bouys? anyone know?