Fishing Forum

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I'm tcrenegade50 and I fish Cape Cod's (Massachusetts) ponds, lakes and surrounding coastal waters.
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Hi there tcrenegade50 and welcome to the BFT. Thank you for taking the time to register. If you haven't found the Mass forum yet here is the link:[/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][url ""]Massachusetts_forum[/url]
Hi tcrenegade50 and welcome to the BFT.. we do appreciate you taking the time to register and post here..

As DR said we have a forum for every state that will put you in touch with anglers from your area..

You say you fish the local ponds in your area.. what type of fishing do you prefer to do ... spinning, baitcasting, fly,, ice?? we have a forum for all of them..

We look forward to future posts from you .. hopefully with pictures of your fishing successes..

Please feel free to bring any concerns or questions you have to the mods or other members..

Again, welcome to the BFT..

MacFly [cool]
Welcome to the site. Thats an interesting user name, how did you come up with it? WH2
From one newby to another [Image: hand_writing.gif]