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I am thinking of buying on of these quick setup tents, Eskimo, or Ice Cube, how do they hold up in the wind??? Thanks in advance for any info!
I hace the Eskimo Quish Fish 3 I believe it is called and love it. I had a shelter with two flaps on the floor to fish through and hated only being able to drill two holes. I highly recommend getting a bottomless shelter so you can drill as many holes as desired. And you can't beat the price of the Quikfish setups and Sportsmans.

And mine does great in the wind, even without anchoring it to the ice. You can throw ice on the bottom flaps if the wind is just moderate or anchor it down with the spikes if the wind gets bad. My shelter has held up perfectly.
I own an Ice Cube and they will handle some wind, but if it gets raging you will want to take it down before the wind either blows them away or destroys them. Some of the ones with a floor (I previously owned a Shappell) will take the wind a little better than the ones without a floor because they have a rigid frame and your own weight helps keep them from blowing away, but again if the wind is blowing hard enough (like it blows at times at Fish Lake and Flaming Gorge for example) these also can not handle it. In extreme wind a well designed lean-to type structure is the best way to go.
I have a Eskimo quick fish 3 as well. I love it!! Holds up well in the wind( have only had to anchor down once.) The backpack feature was also a plus. I dont like the zipper on the corner which is a little tight, but I would own no other
I also have a Eskimo quickfish and I love it. The only downside to the bottomless floor is you get water in your shack. As long as your boots are waterproof it's not bad. When you kneel down though you are in water. I still think it is worth it because you don't have to have a ATV or snowmobile to haul it around. Hope this helps, good luck and enjoy the warmth of a shack.
I have the 4 man ice cube love it to death . Holds up well in the wind plus give you the room you need for 2 people. Just like tents if it says 2 man it is a 1 man unless you really like the person next to you. Anyways been in both and I feel the ice cube is the best plus there customer service kicks butt. I broke a pole last year (my bad) anyways called them yesterday to see what I need to do to replace it guess what they are sending me 4 new poles and a new hub for free no questions asked and teh freight is free also. You can't beat that at all!!!!!!
I have the QuickFlip II and absolutely love it. Because the tent is attached to the tub/sled it will stand up to some pretty darn rough winds with no problem. Setup is an absolute breeze and to move around from loc to loc is simple. They get surprisingly warm in there, we use a coleman kerosine burner on low for heat / keep hot water ready for coffee or hot-chocolate. It comfortably fishes with 2 people... and we usually fish 3 in it. The bench with the backrest makes for some pretty comfortable lazy fishing.

My *ONLY* complaint about it is that its not a Quickflip III Smile ... then I could bring my Generator and TV/DVD player and still fish 3 people in it.

When I was looking for a shack I looked at ALOT of different brands / styles but settled on the Eskimo. They are built REALLY well with alot of attention to detail like vents, window covers and even replaceable windows in case one cracks.

Edit: Adding picts:

[Image: Equickflip2d.jpg]

[Image: XgBTtVfsnsYwjeHgVhaG4oL8opLi-MS8lPj80pKU...=1&g=2]

Quickfish III is the way to go. I fished in 20 mph winds with 40-50 mph gusts up at Echo last year, and it did great.
Thanks guy's for the info!! [Smile] I fish the Gorge a lot and need something warm that can handle some windy days!
I have the Quickfish III - We set it up at FG in 30-40 mph winds last year. It took three of us to set it up. After we got the four corners screwed down and the four mid points anchored it worked great. Very comfortable inside. I would never have set this tent up by myself in this wind. This tent system is not as easy to move from place-to-place if you are on the hunt for fish.

Previously I owned the Shappell two man shelter on a sled. It was easier to set up in the wind; however, it seemed like the wind blew right through it. Zippers were cheap and were always coming unzippered. This shelter was extremely easy to move around if you were on the hunt for fish.
[quote LakeDrifter]Thanks guy's for the info!! [Smile] I fish the Gorge a lot and need something warm that can handle some windy days![/quote]

If you are going to drag it out on to the lake yourself, go with the quickFISH line... if you are going to tow it with atv / snowmobile, go with the quickFLIP.

QuickFlip is heavier but 10x as sturdy as the quickFish. I've drug it by hand down onto a few lakes several hundred yards from the parking lot ok, but much further will wear you out. QuickFlip is easily set up by 1 man even in high winds (just orient it so the back of the tent faces into the wind... flip over the first flap, climb inside and extend the poles... 2-3 minutes and its up).

Sportsmans does have the best prices on them... and if you can wait till spring you can get some UNBELIEVABLE prices on them when they clear'em out. I got my QuickFlip II for I think $200
