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Full Version: The berry satuday
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Me and my son and Kazman got to the berry at 730am for s day of fishing. Hey Mark it was great meeting and it was a lot of fun fishing with you.First we went to a spot that usually produces for me but after a bit and we got no bites it was time to move that spot must have got hammered the day before because it always produces fish. Well i got the engine fired up and gave it full throttle and we were flying across the res and a few minutes later the engine started reving and the boat slowed down. I thought i lost a prop so i picked the engine up and it was still there.So we started out again and as i got past 15rpm the same happened.The boat will go 15rpms but any faster and it would not go. So we decidee to stay vclose to the marina and troll slow just to be safe. So we trolled and tried to make a bad day and turn it into a decent one.Bad enough i got pulled over on my way to the berry cause i have a short on my trailer lights! Argh i shoulda kown it was gonna be a bad day.[:/] We ended trolling to mud creek and past that .Well the first 4 fish were caught by my son Bruce he always has this contest whoever catches the first 5 wins.But he always changes the rules as the catching starts to his favor.[:p] Well Kaz got the next 2 then it went dead for a few hours .Bruce hooked the next one and lost it at the boat so me and Kaz made a rule that was a one fish deduction for losing a fish at the boat.He did not like our rule and we debated it for about 45 minutes.Then we decided to hit the narrows and made the looooong trip there at trolling speed with the big engine. Seemed like it took forever to get there. Well i got us to a spot that produces fish then i got the next 5 fish vertical jigging thus making me the winner of my sons contest with him protesting it .Then he lost another one at the boat so it was a 2 fish deduction so his protest of our rules got worse but funny him trying to explain to us that he won by hooking the first 5 five.[sly] kaz was a rainbow magnet today he caught a nice fat football size bow for dinner. WE fished the narrows and were catching fish consistently .It started getting a little so we decided to troll out of the narrows but caught no fish. The last fish i caught was just out of the narrows a nice sized cuttbow .Man that one fought harder than any other fish caught all day it took line and i thought i had a bigun. It was about 22 inches and healthy. Overall we caught about 20 between 3 of us considering the boat problems i think we did good and we all had a great time bsing all day. I like to fish a spot move if the catching is slow but when you cant do that it makes the catching hard.
Great report. Sounds like a fun game, I'll have to try that next time (if I could ever catch five fish on a trip) [pirate]
Fishing at the berry is good right now have you tried using white tube jigs tipped with chub? That always works for me .
I agree, that's worked pretty well this year. I tend to do better with smaller 3/4" jigs tipped with a little somethen or other than bigger 3" jigs. I also have done well fishing minnows off the bottom. I think the last trip was just a combo of weather and bad planning that set us back a little, but my brother still caught one over the slot-can't complain about that.