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Full Version: roads to the berry
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Do any of you have any info on the road from the chicken creek turn off in spanish fork canyon over the hill to the berry. Is it still open? Going to catch a hundred or so if it is still open. Thanks>
You mean sheep creek?
[:/][:/] OOPS, i did mean sheep creek, chicken creek is on a different mt. Any one with info of sheep creek road?
The road is still passable in a four wheel drive. It got iffy for a couple days last week, but the Elk hunters kept it open.
Sheep creek is fine. it's Indian creek down to Strawberry that's in the shade and stays wet.
I went up on 11/11 and the road is closed for construction. I called the forest service today and the road will be closed until the end of the month. There was up to three inches of snow on the road. I made if through in the morning, but on the return trip it was impassable due to a ditch in the middle of the road. See attached link for more information.

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