I got some Great News today. I went to the Main Office at Willard Bay North Marina to get a new State Parks Pass today, and asked how the work on the Dike was comming along. The Ranger told me that the work was done , they are planning on FULL POOL NEXT YEAR. So long as we have the water. That's a year earlier than expected. Thought that I would pass this along . Wiper Hunt'in com'in .
Fantastic news Dan. Maybe I'll be able to start using my deep divers again next year...
Thanks Dan I hope the walleye made it thru these past couple of years OK.[fishin]
Great news!
One problem though.........now the water will be polluted with all the trash that has been left on the shore[mad][frown]
[quote fish1on]Great news!
One problem though.........now the water will be polluted with all the trash that has been left on the shore[mad][frown][/quote]
now its time for you to go on one of your walks pat....[fishin]
Might not be bad to get together for a little cleanup...It would take a bunch of people, but it would help.
Man, that is just fantastic news.!!!!!!!
That is certainly great news! Maybe I can get through next year without visiting my favorite prop repair shop. He might even forget my first name.
Bo Yah. Right On!
First Deer Creek, now Willard!? BOTH 1 yr ahead of schedule? My guess is these projects were done w/ out the assistance of government workers [pirate][sly]. That's great for a couple reasons.. One of which is fewer boats on Pineview.
Very good news.
[quote fish1on]Great news!
One problem though.........now the water will be polluted with all the trash that has been left on the shore[mad][frown][/quote]
[cool]Don't know how long it has been since you walked the shoreline around Willard, but it is not heavily used by folks these days. The weeds have grown up around the lake to restrict or eliminate easy access to many areas of the lake. And, the rangers do a pretty good job of keeping the rest of the lake cleaned up.
The primary sources of pollution are petroleum products (from boats), human "downloads", waste and pollutants from agricultural and industrial sources upstream, atmospheric condensation of toxic waste emitted by industry...both US and China...and of course the nasty stuff used for bait by catfish anglers.
Raising the water level will encourage more use (and pollution) by the power squadron. Lots worse than a few cans, plastic containers, discarded dirty diapers and "love balloons". I usually have to wash off the "bathtub ring" on my float tube after coming into the north marina...from the floating gas and oil on the water.
Thanks for the definition of pollution........Didn't now that I had to be scientifically correct to voice my disgust with the way Willard has been mistreated over the low water years.
Although I agree with ya on the primary sources of pollution, it does come in many other forms. Noise, light, and like I said, litter left by inconsiderate folks of all walks of life.
Just for the record: I have walked the shorelines recently and have done my share of picking up "Others" unwanted items left behind.
Just venting! [:/]
[cool][#0000ff]You're a good boy. Got a good name too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Last year we had a BFT cleanup program where a bunch of us took plastic garbage bags and hiked around all of the exposed shoreline to pick up litter. Got a lot. Some surprising finds. Some not so surprising.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sadly, the "element" that contributes the most to trash around our favorite ponds is generally not to be found on fishing websites. This is a good place to VENT, but not a good place to get anything done about it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I almost always carry extra garbage bags for de-littering, and I know a lot of other BFTers do the same. It may seem futile and frustrating to keep cleaning up after the slobs, but it is probably appreciated by the next "decent" folks who show up where we have cleaned up. Doesn't last long but every litter bit helps.[/#0000ff]
SWEET! Now maybe I won't have to run down to Newcastle next year to find boiling wipers! Thanks, for the news, Fred K.
Yay! I can't believe this, this is so totally cool.
What did TubeDude mean by "love balloons"?
Willard Bay the place for __________?
Around those bugs? Eek gads!
If I hear any "love noises" at Willard along with the mosquito squadron I'm leaving!
I stopped a worker tonight on the way out to shoot some ducks and he told me they will be done in 9 days with the digging part. The concrete and cover work will take a little longer but should be good to go by spring for full pool provided no other leaks occur. He said they hauled wicked ass to get it done and they surely did. I can't wait!!!
Thats great news, however the low water keep the big water boats and babe lovers (won't go there) off the lake and gave us fisher man a better chance of being alone, but I will take the high water level also, THANKS for the report, I will keep an open eye for the finished job at Willard[

[quote catfish-logic]
What did TubeDude mean by "love balloons"?
Does the name Trojan ring a bell?
it what i use to keep the sand and mud out of the muzzle of my weapon.
wow... i wasent even speaking metaphorically!